
I have several different txt files with the same structure. Now I want to read them into R using fread, and then union them into a bigger dataset.

## First put all file names into a list 
all.files <- list.files(path = "C:/Users",pattern = ".txt")

## Read data using fread
readdata <- function(fn){
    dt_temp <- fread(fn, sep=",")
    keycols <- c("ID", "date")
    setkeyv(dt_temp,keycols)  # Notice there's a "v" after setkey with multiple keys

# then using 
mylist <- lapply(all.files, readdata)
mydata <-'rbind',mylist)

The code works fine, but the speed is not satisfactory. Each txt file has 1M observations and 12 fields.

If I use the fread to read a single file, it's fast. But using apply, then speed is extremely slow, and obviously take much time than reading files one by one. I wonder where went wrong here, is there any improvements for the speed gain?

I tried the llply in plyr package, there're not much speed gains.

Also, is there any syntax in data.table to achieve vertical join like rbind and union in sql?


¿Fue útil?


Use rbindlist() which is designed to rbind a list of data.table's together...

mylist <- lapply(all.files, readdata)
mydata <- rbindlist( mylist )

And as @Roland says, do not set the key in each iteration of your function!

So in summary, this is best :

l <- lapply(all.files, fread, sep=",")
dt <- rbindlist( l )
setkey( dt , ID, date )

Otros consejos

I've re-written the code to do this way too many times.. Finally rolled it into a handy function, below.

data.table_fread_mult <- function(filepaths = NULL, dir = NULL, recursive = FALSE, pattern = NULL, fileCol = FALSE, ...){
  # fread multiple filepaths and then combine the results into a single data.table
  # This function has two interfaces: either
  # 1) provide `filepaths` as a character vector of filepaths to read or 
  # 2) provide `dir` (and optionally `pattern` and `recursive`) to identify the directory to read from
  # If fileCol = TRUE, result will incude a column called File with the full source file path of each record
  # ... should be arguments to pass on to fread()
  # `pattern` is an optional regular expression to match files (e.g. pattern='csv$' matches files ending with 'csv')
  if(!is.null(filepaths) & (!is.null(dir) | !is.null(pattern))){
    stop("If `filepaths` is given, `dir` and `pattern` should be NULL")
  } else if(is.null(filepaths) & is.null(dir)){
    stop("If `filepaths` is not given, `dir` should be given")
  # If filepaths isn't given, build it from dir, recursive, pattern
    filepaths <- list.files(
      path = dir, 
      full.names = TRUE, 
      recursive = recursive, 
      pattern = pattern
  # Read and combine files
    return(rbindlist(lapply(filepaths, function(x) fread(x, ...)[, File := x]), use.names = TRUE))
  } else{
    return(rbindlist(lapply(filepaths, fread, ...), use.names = TRUE))
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