
Let us say I have this ReactiveUI view model structure, with Model being some arbitrary model type.

class ViewModel : ReactiveObject
    private readonly ReactiveList<Model> _models;
    public IReactiveList<Model> Models { get { return _models; } }

    public IReactiveCommand LoadModels { get; private set; }
    public bool LoadingModels { get; private set; } // Notifies;

And these models come from a task-based asynchronous API modeled by this interface:

interface ITaskApi
    Task<IEnumerable<Model>> GetModelsAsync();

After taking a look at how's reactive library was written, I wrote the following class to adapt the API to a reactive world:

class ObservableApi
    private readonly ITaskApi _taskApi;

    public IObservable<Model> GetModels() {
        return _taskApi.GetModelsAsync().ToObservable().SelectMany(c => c);

And now, I have written the following ways to implement loading of models inside of the the LoadModels command, in the ViewModel() constructor:

// In both cases, we want the command to be disabled when loading:
LoadModels = new ReactiveCommand(this.WhenAny(x => x.LoadingModels, x => !x.Value));

// First method, with the Observable API;
LoadModels.Subscribe(_ =>
        LoadingModels = true;
                m => _models.Add(m),
                onCompleted: () => { LoadingModels = false; });

// Second method, with the task API;
LoadModels.Subscribe(async _ =>
        LoadingModels = true;
        try {
            var loadedModels = await taskClient.GetModelsAsync();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
        } finally {
            LoadingModels = false;

While I think that both ways will do the job, I have the following misgivings:

  • In the first sample, should I dispose the inner subscription or will that be done when the inner observable completes or errors?
  • In the second sample, I know that exceptions raised in the GetModelsAsync method will be swallowed.

What is the "best", most idiomatic way to populate a ReactiveList<T> from an asynchronous enumeration (either IObservable<T> or Task<IEnumerable<T>> (or would IObservable<IEnumerable<T>> be better?))?

¿Fue útil?


After taking a look at how's reactive library was written, I wrote the following class to adapt the API to a reactive world:

While you sometimes want to do this (i.e. flatten the collection), it's usually more convenient to just leave it as IEnumerable<T> unless you then plan to invoke an async method on each item in the list. Since we just want to stuff everything in a List, we don't want to do this. Just leave it as Task<T>

In the first sample, should I dispose the inner subscription or will that be done when the inner observable completes or errors?

Any time you have a Subscribe inside another Subscribe, you probably instead want the SelectMany operator. However, there is a better way to do what you're trying to do, you should check out this docs article for more info.

So, here's how I would write your code:

// In both cases, we want the command to be disabled when loading:
LoadModels = new ReactiveCommand();

LoadModels.RegisterAsyncTask(_ => taskClient.GetModelsAsync())
    .Subscribe(items => 
        // This Using makes it so the UI only looks at the collection
        // once we're totally done updating it, since we're basically
        // changing it completely.
        using (_models.SuppressChangeNotifications())

    .Subscribe(ex => Console.WriteLine("GetModelsAsync blew up: " + ex.ToString());

// NB: _loadingModels is an ObservableAsPropertyHelper<bool>
    .ToProperty(this, x => x.LoadingModels, out _loadingModels);
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