
Is there a way to start multiple programs in a batch file on system start-up? In addition to that, in that batch file, I would like to be able to say: Once I execute a program, wait until that program completely loads, and execute the next listed program.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I had the same issue in Win7 regarding running a script (.bat) at startup (When the computer boots vs when someone logs in) that would modify the network parameters using netsh. What ended up working for me was the following:

  1. Log in with an Administrator account
  2. Click on start and type “Task Scheduler” and hit return
  3. Click on “Task Scheduler Library”
  4. Click on “Create New Task” on the right hand side of the screen and set the parameters as follows:

    a. Set the user account to SYSTEM

    b. Choose "Run with highest privileges"

    c. Choose the OS for Windows7

  5. Click on “Triggers” tab and then click on “New…” Choose “At Startup” from the drop down menu, click Enabled and hit OK
  6. Click on the “Actions tab” and then click on “New…” If you are running a .bat file use cmd as the program the put /c .bat In the Add arguments field
  7. Click on “OK” then on “OK” on the create task panel and it will now be scheduled.
  8. Add the .bat script to the place specified in your task event.
  9. Enjoy.

Otros consejos

To run a batch file at start up: start >> all programs >> right-click startup >> open >> right click batch file >> create shortcut >> drag shortcut to startup folder.

The path to the folder is : [D|C]:\Profiles\{User}\‌​AppData\Roaming\Micro‌​soft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startu‌​p

Go to Run (WINDOWS + R) and Type shell:startup, paste your .bat file there !

To start the batch file at the start of your system, you can also use a registry key.


Here you can create a string. As name you can choose anything and the data is the full path to your file.

There is also the registry key


to run something at only the next start of your system.

There are a few ways to run a batch file on start up. The one I usually use is through task scheduler. If you press the windows key then type task scheduler it will come up as an option (or find through administerative tools).

When you create a new task you can chose from trigger options such as 'At log on' for a specific user, on workstation unlock etc. Then in actions you select start a program and put the full path to your batch script (there is also an option to put any command line args required).

Here is a an example script to launch Stack Overflow in Firefox:

@echo off

title Auto launch Stack Overflow

start firefox

REM Optional - I tend to log these sorts of events so that you can see what has happened afterwards
echo %date% %time%, %computername% >> %logs%\StackOverflowAuto.csv



RunOnce is an option and have a few keys that can be used for pointing a command to start on startup (depending if it concerns a user or the whole system):


setting the value:

reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v MyBat /D "!C:\mybat.bat"

With setting and exclamation mark at the beginning and if the script exist with a value different than 0 the registry key wont be deleted and the script will be executed every time on startup


You can use SCHTASKS and a triggering event:

SCHTASKS /Create /SC ONEVENT /MO ONLOGON /TN ON_LOGON /tr "c:\some.bat" 



Startup Folder

You also have two startup folders - one for the current user and one global. There you can copy your scripts (or shortcuts) in order to start a file on startup

::the global one
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp
::for the current user
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

1. Copy the following lines to Notepad.

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\Users\toto\your_file.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing

Note: Replace the batch file name/path accordingly in the script according to your requirement.

2. Save the file with .VBS extension, example launch_bat.vbs

3. Create new .bat file, in our case your_file.bat

4. Write the content of your .bat file. Example:

 @echo off
    php c:\laragon\www\my_app\artisan serve --host= --port=8000

5. Run your_file.bat and ejoy :)

If your Windows language is different from English, you can launch the Task Scheduler by

  1. Press Windows+X
  2. Select your language translation of "Computer Management"
  3. Follow the instruction in the answer provided by prankin

Another option would be to run the batch file as a service, and set the startup of the service to "Automatic" or "Automatic (Delayed Start)". Check this question for more information on how to do it, personally I like NSSM the most.

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