How do I get ASPNET WebAPI working with Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener on an Azure worker role using an IoC container?



When I have the following packages installed in an Azure worker role:

  <package id="Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client" version="5.1.0" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core" version="5.1.0" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OData" version="5.1.0" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin" version="5.1.0" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OwinSelfHost" version="5.1.0" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Microsoft.Data.Edm" version="5.6.0" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Microsoft.Data.OData" version="5.6.0" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Microsoft.Data.Services.Client" version="5.6.0" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Microsoft.Owin" version="2.0.2" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener" version="2.0.2" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Microsoft.Owin.Hosting" version="2.0.2" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ConfigurationManager" version="2.0.3" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Newtonsoft.Json" version="5.0.8" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Owin" version="1.0" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="RavenDB.Client" version="2.5.2750" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="System.Spatial" version="5.6.0" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Unity" version="3.0.1304.1" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="Unity.WebAPI" version="5.1" targetFramework="net451" />
  <package id="WindowsAzure.Storage" version="" targetFramework="net451" />

I can get the application working as long as I don't try to register an IoC container.

As soon as I put this line in my Startup.cs file:

config.DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(new UnityContainer());

I get the following exception:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException' occurred in Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.dll

If I put the exact same code in a console application, it works without throwing an exception.** Here is the full content of my WorkerRole.cs class:

    public class WorkerRole : RoleEntryPoint
        IDisposable _app;

        public override void Run()
            Trace.TraceInformation("Timbre.Catalogue.ApiRole entry point called");

            while (true)

        public override bool OnStart()
            ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 12;

            var endpoint = RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints["ApiEndpoint"];
            var baseUri = string.Format("{0}://{1}", endpoint.Protocol, endpoint.IPEndpoint);
            Trace.TraceInformation("Starting OWIN at {0}", baseUri);
            _app = WebApp.Start<Startup>(new StartOptions(baseUri));

            return base.OnStart();

        public override void OnStop()
            if (_app != null)


And hers is the full content of my Startup.cs class:

    public class Startup
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            var config = new HttpConfiguration();
            config.DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(new UnityContainer());


I have the same problem when trying to use Castle.Windsor with the following package:

<package id="WebApiContrib.IoC.CastleWindsor" version="" targetFramework="net451" />

and this line of code instead:

config.DependencyResolver = new WindsorResolver(new WindsorContainer().Install(FromAssembly.This()));

Can anyone give me a clue as to what is wrong here? I suspect it is a problem with the Azure compute emulator because it works perfectly in a console application, however I have no idea how to diagnose it any further than that.

¿Fue útil?


5.1 version of Unity.WebApi nuget package was built with reference to 5.0 version of Web API. So we need a binding redirect to make Unity work with 5.1 version of Web API.

    <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
        <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Http" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" culture="neutral" />
        <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

Related to your later comment about figuring out the exception details:

You can checkout the new Global Error Handling feature in Web API 5.1. Following is a snippet of it.

config.Services.Add(typeof(IExceptionLogger), new CustomExceptionLogger());

public class CustomExceptionLogger : ExceptionLogger
    public override void Log(ExceptionLoggerContext context)
        //TODO: Log the exception details
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