
I have this code to get Numbers to words and it works, but I have a requirement for my application and that is :

Example 1 : What the program does, let's take this number : 27,59 - The code will take me to "doua sute sapte zeci si 59 bani. Is ok, but :

Example 2 : When the number is 27.00 the result is : doua zeci si sapte si 00 bani, and the result I want only when some number has .00 to cut the 'si 00 bani' and get from 27.00 = doua zeci si sapte lei than doua zeci si sapte lei si 00 bani. Thank you

  private static string[] _ones =

        private static string[] _teens =

        private static string[] _tens =

        // US Nnumbering:
        private static string[] _thousands =
string digits, temp;
            bool showThousands = false;
            bool allZeros = true;

            // Use StringBuilder to build result
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            // Convert integer portion of value to string
            digits = ((long)value).ToString();
            // Traverse characters in reverse order
            for (int i = digits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                int ndigit = (int)(digits[i] - '0');
                int column = (digits.Length - (i + 1));

                // Determine if ones, tens, or hundreds column
                switch (column % 3)
                    case 0:        // Ones position
                        showThousands = true;
                        if (i == 0)
                            // First digit in number (last in loop)
                            temp = String.Format("{0} ", _ones[ndigit]);
                        else if (digits[i - 1] == '1')
                            // This digit is part of "teen" value
                            temp = String.Format("{0} ", _teens[ndigit]);
                            // Skip tens position
                        else if (ndigit != 0)
                            // Any non-zero digit
                            temp = String.Format("{0} ", _ones[ndigit]);
                            // This digit is zero. If digit in tens and hundreds
                            // column are also zero, don't show "thousands"
                            temp = String.Empty;
                            // Test for non-zero digit in this grouping
                            if (digits[i - 1] != '0' || (i > 1 && digits[i - 2] != '0'))
                                showThousands = true;
                                showThousands = false;

                        // Show "thousands" if non-zero in grouping
                        if (showThousands)
                            if (column > 0)
                                temp = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}",
                                    _thousands[column / 3],
                                    allZeros ? " " : ", ");
                            // Indicate non-zero digit encountered
                            allZeros = false;
                        builder.Insert(0, temp);

                    case 1:        // Tens column
                        if (ndigit > 0)
                            temp = String.Format("{0}{1}",
                                (digits[i + 1] != '0') ? " si " : " ");
                            builder.Insert(0, temp);

                    case 2:        // Hundreds column
                        if (ndigit > 0)
                            temp = String.Format("{0} sute ", _ones[ndigit]);
                            builder.Insert(0, temp);

            builder.AppendFormat("lei si {0:00} bani", (value - (long)value) * 100);

            // Capitalize first letter
            return String.Format("{0}{1}",
                builder.ToString(1, builder.Length - 1));
¿Fue útil?


What you need is a condition to check the decimal value. An easy way to do this is the Decimal.Remainder() method provided by .net.

Just change this

builder.AppendFormat("lei si {0:00} bani", (value - (long)value) * 100);

To include a condition for your 00...

// You always need "lei" right?

// This code simply divides the decimal value by 1; and only adds "si NN bani" if there's a remainder
if (Decimal.Remainder(value, 1) > 0) {
    builder.AppendFormat(" si {0:00} bani", (value - (long)value) * 100);
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