
This is a simple question (I think). I'm just not sure about it and I'm looking for a good solution too :)

Let's say I have this:

class Base {
    virtual ~Base() {}
    virtual Base& connect(Base &b) = 0;

class Derived: public Base {
    virtual ~Derived() {}
    virtual Base& connect(Base &b)
      // do_something

// Name is a class that is basically a String and assign it to any A or B object.

class A: public Derived {
    A(name N) { ... }
    virtual ~A() {}

class B: public Derived {
    B(name N) { ... }
    virtual ~B() {}
    A& connect(A &a)
      // do something else

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  A objA("A");
  B objB("B");

  // Here's where is my issue

When I call objB.connect(objA), it is actually calling Base& connect(Base &b). I understand because both are child of Base and both have connect() defined in Derived. But the thing is that I would like that whenever I have objB.connect(objA), it should call A& connect(A &a) instead.

I would like to know if there is a way to have it the way I want.

Thanks :)


I edited this, because I had several typos. I didn't copy-paste the code, because it is quite more complex than I wish >.< Hope it is enough.

¿Fue útil?


Your code won't compile. Here is code that compiles and result is as you desire: you can choose which version of connect to call based on a pointer type:

class Base {
    virtual ~Base() {}
    virtual Base& connect(Base &b) = 0;

class Derived: public Base {
    virtual ~Derived() {}
    virtual Base& connect(Base &b)
      qDebug() << "Baseconnect";

class AA: public Derived {
    AA() {}
    virtual ~AA() {}

class BB: public Derived {
    BB() {}
    virtual ~BB() {}
    AA& connect(AA &a)
        qDebug() << "Aconnect";


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    AA* aaptr = new AA;
    BB* bbptr = new BB;
    bbptr->connect(*aaptr);  // version from BB is called
    Derived* dptr = new BB;
    dptr->connect(*aaptr);   // version from Derived is called
    // ...

As a side note, please always ensure that your code compiles and question is well defined. You narrow down the chances for helpful answer to your question otherwise.

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