
I'm implementing Dijkstra's algorithm for school and my code keeps messing up. I've followed the pseudo-code on Wikipedia very closely. I implement the graph with a weighted adjacency list in this form so I check neighbours by iterating through the corresponding row.

Here's my graph class, along with my vertex struct.

struct vertex
    vertex(size_t d_arg, size_t n_arg)
        n = n_arg;
        d = d_arg;

    //member variables, n is name and d is distance
    size_t n;
    size_t d;

    //overloaded operator so I can use std::sort in my priority queue
    bool operator<(const vertex& rhs) const
        return  d<rhs.d;


class graph
    graph(vector<vector<size_t> > v){ ed = v;};
    vector<size_t> dijkstra(size_t src);
    bool dfs(size_t src);
    //stores my matrix describing the graph
    vector<vector<size_t> > ed;

The function dfs implements a Depth-first Search to check if the graph's joint. I've got no problems with it. But the function dijkstra, however, gives me the wrong values. This is how it's implemented.

vector<size_t> graph::dijkstra(size_t src)
    //a vector storing the distances to the vertices and a priority queue
    vector<size_t> dist;
    dist[src] = 0;
    p_q<vertex> q;

    //set the distance for the vertices to inphinity, since they're size_t and -1 is largest
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ed.size(); i++) {

        //push the vertices to the priority queue
        vertex node(dist[i], i);

    //while there's stuff in the queue
        //c, the current vertex, becomes the top
        vertex c = q.pop();

        //iterating through all the neighbours, listed in the adjacency matrix
        for(int i = 0; i < ed[0].size(); i++)
            //alternative distance to i is distance to current and distance between current and i
            size_t alt = dist[c.n] + ed[c.n][i];

            //if we've found a better distance
            if(alt < dist[i])
                //new distance is alternative distance, and it's pushed into the priority queue
                dist[i] = alt;
                vertex n(alt, i);


    return dist;

I can't see why I'm having trouble. I've debugged with this matrix.

 0  3 -1  1 
 3  0  4  1 
-1  4  0 -1 
 1  1 -1  0

And it didn't visit anything other than vertex 0 and vertex 3.

¿Fue útil?


One of the problems is right at the beginning of graph::dijkstra, when an element of zero-sized array is assigned:

vector<size_t> dist;
dist[src] = 0;

It is OK in pseudo-code, but not in C++. Perhaps you may change like this:

vector<size_t> dist;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ed.size(); i++) {
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