
I'm using gwt-openlayers-1.0, currently learning this example (Animated Cluster Strategy).

In my project each VectoreFeature has a numeric label and I want to display sums of label values of underlying points on each cluster point. Is there a way to do that?

According to this article (The “Most Important” Strategy part) in JS it would look like this:

// for each feature:
feature.attributes = { result_count: 10 };
var style = new OpenLayers.Style({
  } , context: {
    label: function(feature) {
      if (feature.cluster) {
        var result_count = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < feature.cluster.length; i++) {
          result_count += feature.cluster[i].attributes.result_count;
        features.attributes.label = result_count.toString();
      } else {
        features.attributes.label = features.attributes.result_count.toString();

But I can't find a way to implement this in gwt-openlayers:

org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.Style style = new org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.Style();
style.setLabel( ??? ); 
¿Fue útil?

Solución 3

In method where I assign strategy to the VectorLayer:

    org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.Style style = new org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.Style();

And where the magic is done:

private native JSObject getOpenLayersStyle() /*-{
    var style = new $wnd.OpenLayers.Style({
        fontColor: "#FFFFFF",
        fontSize: "12px",
        label: "${countLabel}"
        }, { context: {
            countLabel: function(feature) {
                var countLabel;
                if (feature.cluster) {
                    var result_count = 0;
                    for (var i = 0; i < feature.cluster.length; i++) {
                        result_count += feature.cluster[i].attributes.result_count;
                    countLabel = result_count.toString();
                } else {
                    countLabel = feature.attributes.result_count.toString();
                feature.attributes.label = countLabel;
                return countLabel;
    return style;

Otros consejos

I don't think this is possible. I also don't think this is possible in standard OpenLayers with the standard AnimatedCluster.

Your best guess is to first go to and ask there if what you want is possible (in standard openlayers).

If they say it is possible, and say how come back here and I can look further into it. If they say it is also not possible in standard openlayers, then it is also not possible in gwt openlayers.

I enhanced the Animated Cluster With Popup example to do what you ask. Will take some time before this is online though.

Changes I made are :

First I added an attribute to each feature added to the map. This feature just is a random number that we want to display the sum of when clicking a clustered feature :

for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
   features[i] = new VectorFeature(points.get(i));
   Attributes attributes = new Attributes();
   attributes.setAttribute("examplenumber", Random.nextInt(10));

Second change is in the public void onFeatureSelected(FeatureSelectedEvent eventObject)

int totalNumber = 0;
VectorFeature[] clusters = eventObject.getVectorFeature().getCluster();
for (int i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++)
   GWT.log("examplenumber = " + clusters[i].getAttributes().getAttributeAsInt("examplenumber"));
   totalNumber += clusters[i].getAttributes().getAttributeAsInt("examplenumber");

Now totalnumber contains the sum of all examplenumber attribute values.

I believe this solves your problem ?

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