
Here below is the usual project layout of a Play application:

    + app
       + controllers
       + models
       + views

I think the content of controllers, models, and views is clear to most of us. Now let's suppose we need to implement a DAO service using the cake pattern:


trait DaoServiceComponent[A] {

  def daoService: DaoService

  trait DaoService {

    def insert(entity: A): Future[A]
    def find(id: Id): Future[Option[A]]

trait DefaultDaoServiceComponent[A] extends DaoServiceComponent[A] {
  this: DaoComponent[A] =>

  def daoService = new DaoService {

    def insert(entity: A) = dao.insert(entity)
    def find(id: Id) = dao.find(id)


trait DaoComponent[A] {

  def dao: Dao

  trait Dao {

    def insert(entity: A): Future[A]
    def find(id: Id): Future[Option[A]]


trait UserDaoComponent extends DaoComponent[User] {

  protected val collection: JSONCollection

  def dao = new Dao {

    def insert(entity: User): Future[User] = {

    def find(id: Id): Future[Option[User]] = {

And finally we wire everything up in our controller object as usual:

object Users extends Controller {

  private val userService: DaoServiceComponent[User]#DaoService =
    new DefaultDaoServiceComponent[User]
    with UserDaoComponent {
      val collection = db.collection[JSONCollection]("users")

  def create = Action.async(parse.json) { implicit request =>
      valid = { user =>

Now going back to our project layout, where should we put DaoServiceComponent, DaoComponent, UserDaoComponent, and any other support class? Should these files go all together in the services directory?

    + app
       + controllers
       + models
       + services
            + DaoComponent.scala
            + DaoException.scala
            + DaoServiceComponent.scala
            + EmailServiceComponent.scala
            + RichEmailComponent.scala
            + ServiceException.scala
            + UserDaoComponent.scala
            + ...
       + views

No hay solución correcta

Otros consejos

Our project is probably not an exemplary implementation of the Cake pattern because it was originally a Ruby app that didn't use any dependency injection, so take this with a grain of salt

Our DAOs are in the model layer / folder - User.scala contains a User case class and a Users Slick Table[User].

The traits in the Service layer / folder are tightly coupled to the model layer - we do not inject the DAOs.

The service traits are injected into the controllers using the Cake pattern. We have one Service per Controller, eg we have a StreamsController and a StreamsService.

We have about twelve Controllers / Services and about eighty DAOs (one per MySql table).

We have several utility classes, such as a Redis client pool and an HTML template renderer - these are in a Common folder below the model layer because a few are used in the DAOs. We have an Apps trait in the service layer that holds abstract vals to these classes, and all Services include Apps via self : Apps => . The controller layer then has the responsibility to implement and inject Apps.

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