
I have a problem with a visibility binding in a DataTemplate of a DataGrid.

My binding for visibility is

Visibility="{Binding ElementName=Hauptfenster, Path=Test.IsAdmin, Converter={StaticResource TestConvert}}"

I've added a TextBox which displays the value of IsAdmin:

<TextBlock Text="Visible or Not" Width="150" Height="30" Visibility="{Binding ElementName=Hauptfenster, Path=Test.IsAdmin, Converter={StaticResource TestConvert}}" HorizontalAlignment="Right" />

and a TextBlock which is visible or not

<TextBlock Text="Visible or Not" Width="150" Height="30" Visibility="{Binding ElementName=Hauptfenster, Path=Test.IsAdmin, Converter={StaticResource TestConvert}}" HorizontalAlignment="Right" />

On the other machine, the two TextBlock-elements are changing their values correctly (true/false or Visible/Collapsed). Only the Checkbox in the datagrid won't change it :( Why?

Whole XAML:

<Window x:Class="BindingTest.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"
    <BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="TestConvert" />
        <RowDefinition Height="20*"/>
        <RowDefinition Height="87*"/>

    <ToggleButton Content="TestButton" Width="150" Height="30" Click="ToggleButton_Click" />

    <TextBlock Text="Visible or Not" Width="150" Height="30" Visibility="{Binding ElementName=Hauptfenster, Path=Test.IsAdmin, Converter={StaticResource TestConvert}}" HorizontalAlignment="Right" />

    <TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=Hauptfenster, Path=Test.IsAdmin}" Width="100" Height="20" HorizontalAlignment="Left"  />

    <DataGrid x:Name="dgTest" Grid.Row="1">
            <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Spalte 1">
                        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                            <CheckBox Content="Test" Visibility="{Binding ElementName=Hauptfenster, Path=Test.IsAdmin, Converter={StaticResource TestConvert}}" />
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Spalte1}" />
            <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Spalte 2">
                        <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                            <CheckBox Content="Test" />
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Spalte2}" />
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="Spalte 3" Binding="{Binding Spalte3}" />

The Converter:

public class BooleanToVisibilityConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return ((bool)value == true) ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

The checkbox (or whatever) should be collapsed, if the "IsAdmin" property is false. It works fine on my machine (.NET 4.5.1), but if i try it on another machine with .NET 4.0 installed, it don't work. The target framework for this project is .NET 4.0.

What i'm doing wrong? Is this a .NET bug? Any Ideas? Thanks!

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Thanks, this is the solution!

<CheckBox Content="Test" Visibility="{Binding Source={x:Reference Hauptfenster}, Path=Test.IsAdmin, Converter={StaticResource TestConvert}}" />

Now it works like a charm!

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