
I have the following validation/presentation that I use on a postal code field, in a ViewModel, in my ASP.NET MVC web site. I'd like to share this implementation with 5 other postal code editors, on other models, in my application. How can I avoid duplicating this code?

    ErrorMessage = "You may look up cities here, but must submit a North American postal code")]
[Display(Name = "Postal Code", Prompt = "or type city")]
[Remote("ValidatePostalCode", "Utilities")]
[CustomValidation(typeof(CandidateMobileEditor), "ValidatePostalCode")]
public string PostalCode { get; set; }

public static ValidationResult ValidatePostalCode(string postalCode) {
    return LocationMatch.Closest(postalCode) == null ?
        new ValidationResult("Postal code not found") : null;

public void Load(Candidate sourceProfile) {
    PrimaryPostalCode = sourceProfile.Account.FormattedPostalCode;

public void Save(Candidate targetProfile) {
    targetProfile.Account.FormattedPostalCode = LocationMatch.Closest(PrimaryPostalCode).PostalCode;

Additionally, I have the following JavaScript associated with each postal code field. I mention this for completeness, as I am aware of some ways to trigger this to be activated from common code, but only if I can cause a common template to load or decorate the model with some common custom attributes.

singletons.lac = new locationAutocomplete("input[name='PrimaryPostalCode']");

function locationAutocomplete(selector) {
    var cache = {}, lastXhr;
    var locationField = $(selector);
        minLength: 5,
        delay: 0, // note the lookup delay is increased during the first search event
        search: function (event, ui) { locationField.autocomplete("option", "delay", 300); },
        change: function (event, ui) { locationField.change(); },
        source: function (request, response) {
            var term = request.term;
            if (term in cache) {

            lastXhr = $.getJSON(SiteContext.VirtualRoot + "Utilities/GetMatchingLocations", request, function (data, status, xhr) {
                cache[term] = data;
                if (xhr === lastXhr) {
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Create a new ViewModel specifically for this postal code editor, then create a partial view to hold the required html and javascript.

when you need to use this you can include this ViewModel in your page ViewModel and use @Html.Partial("Your Postal Partial View File") to load this into your page.

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