
I discovered the Parallel deployment feature in Tomcat 7 and I would like to use it in my app. I already have an Ant script to build and deploy the app but I would like to know if there is a nice way to combine it with Parallel deployment. I am now able to generate the file but when I try to use it in the deploy:

<deploy url="" username="" password="" path="" war="file:ROOT##${versionNum}"/>

I don't get the expected result because Ant don't seems to interpret the '#' character correctly. How can I solve it? Is it a problem with XML or an Ant specific problem?

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Taking out the file: prefix from war attribute allows it to find the file. I'm guessing there is a way to escape the ## for a file: URI but it works without it.

Secondly, you need to specify the version attribute in the deploy tag. See Otherwise your war will appear in the webapps directory as foo.war instead of foo##0000.war.

<deploy url="" username="" password="" path="" war="foo##${versionNum}.war" version="${versionNum} />

I found the ant BuildNumber task useful:

<buildnumber /> sets ${build.number} based on a number in a file that it also increments.

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