
How can i get a certain part of a URL i have searched google and read a few tutorials but can't seem to get my head around it maybe someone can show me from the example below.

Here is my code


include "simple_html_dom.php";

$title = "fast";

$html = file_get_html("".urlencode($title)."&s=all");
$element = $html->find('[class="result_text"] a', 1);
$link = $element->href;
echo $link;

// Clear dom object


Now this echos


But i only want the imdb id.


So can someone explain or show me how to do this please


¿Fue útil?


If it's always the subdir:

echo basename(dirname($link));

Otros consejos

you can Use explode():

$str = "/title/tt0109772/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2"; 
$arrUrl = explode("/",$str);
$id = $arrUrl[2];
echo $id;


You can use explode like:

$parts = explode("/", $url);

This will split URL to array. Then check what index you want.. and get it like:

$id = $parts[3];

You can debug with: print_r($parts);

Not the most elegant way, but

$link = '/title/tt0109772/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2';
$imdb_id = explode('/', $link);
$imdb_id = $imdb_id[2];
echo $imdb_id;

Will work.

Try this code: (source)

$path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
$segments = explode('/', $path);

Then I think you need $segments[1] to get the IMDB id.

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