
I'm using slick 2.0.0 in my application and in dev/prod, it is working fine.

In test mode, I want to autogenerate a H2 database (out of the slick table definitions) and use this for my test cases. I use scalatest 2.0.

The database definition (application.conf) for test is the following

  test {

At the beginning of a test case, I call

Slick.db.withTransaction { implicit s =>
  StaticQuery.updateNA("DROP ALL OBJECTS;")

  val createStatement = models.slick.Tables.ddl.createStatements.mkString("",";",";")
  println("CREATE: "+createStatement)

(in test mode, Slick.db points to DB("test") from the play-slick plugin, so it simply takes the DataSource defined in application.conf in db.test)

When running the test case, I get the following output:

CREATE: [...]; create table `mytable` (`field1` VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL,`field2` VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL,`field3` VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL,`ID` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY); [...]
[info] - should [...] *** FAILED ***
[info]   org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Tabelle "MYTABLE" nicht gefunden
[info] Table "MYTABLE" not found; SQL statement:
[info] INSERT INTO `mytable` (`field1`,`field2`,`field3`) VALUES (?,?,?) [42102-172]
[info]   at org.h2.message.DbException.getJdbcSQLException(
[info]   at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
[info]   at org.h2.message.DbException.get(
[info]   at org.h2.command.Parser.readTableOrView(
[info]   at org.h2.command.Parser.readTableOrView(
[info]   at org.h2.command.Parser.parseInsert(
[info]   at org.h2.command.Parser.parsePrepared(
[info]   at org.h2.command.Parser.parse(
[info]   at org.h2.command.Parser.parse(
[info]   at org.h2.command.Parser.prepareCommand(
[info]   ...
[info] ScalaTest

So it definitely creates the table and accesses the same table (though in upper case). Is case a problem? Don't think so. How can I make this work?

If case is a problem, is there a way to tell slick to either generate or use the tables with the same case?

¿Fue útil?


It must be


instead of

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