
I have a scenario where a user can enter a web address into a text field and I need to return the URI from it.

So a user could potentially enter addresses in the following state of fullness-

From all of these examples I would need to return:


(please note that that the domain could be anything, not just google!)

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$arr = array(

foreach($arr as $a){
    print "/".preg_replace("@https?://.*?(/|$)|[^\s/]+\.[^\s/]+/|^/@", "", $a) . "\n";

Otros consejos

You can use PHP's parse_url() for this purpose but this will need the URIs to be in a correct format.

$parsed = parse_url($url);
var_dump( $parsed['path'] . $parsed['query'] );

Will get you the right result as long as the URI starts with http:// (otherwise the domain will be parsed as path as well).

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