
I wrote a function to use RCurl to obtain the effective URL for a list of shortened URL redirects (,, etc.) and handle errors when the effective URL locates a document (PDFs tend to throw "Error in curlPerform... embedded nul in string.")

I would like to make this function more efficiently if possible (while keeping it in R). As written the run-time is prohibitively long for un-shortening a thousand or more URLs.

?getURI tells us that by default, getURI/getURL goes asynchronous when the length of the url vector is >1. But my performance seems totally linear, presumably because sapply turns the thing into one big for loop and the concurrency is lost.

Is there anyway I can speed up these requests? Extra credit for fixing the "embedded nul" issue.


options(RCurlOptions = list(verbose = F, followlocation = T,
                        timeout = 500, autoreferer = T, nosignal = T,
                        useragent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_2)"))

# find successful location (or error msg) after any redirects
getEffectiveUrl <- function(url){ 
  c = getCurlHandle()
  h = basicHeaderGatherer()
  curlSetOpt( .opts = list(header=T, verbose=F), curl= c, .encoding = "CE_LATIN1")
  possibleError <- tryCatch(getURI( url, curl=c, followlocation=T, 
                                    headerfunction = h$update, async=T),
                            error=function(e) e)  
  if(inherits(possibleError, "error")){
    effectiveUrl <- "ERROR_IN_PAGE" # fails on linked documents (PDFs etc.)
  } else { 
    headers <- h$value()
    names(headers) <- tolower(names(headers)) #sometimes cases change on header names?
    statusPrefix <- substr(headers[["status"]],1,1) #1st digit of http status
    if(statusPrefix=="2"){ # status = success
      effectiveUrl <- getCurlInfo(c)[["effective.url"]]
    } else{ effectiveUrl <- paste(headers[["status"]] ,headers[["statusmessage"]]) } 

testUrls <- c("","","",
              "") # 10th URL redirects to content w/ embedded nul
  effectiveUrls <- sapply(X= testUrls, FUN=getEffectiveUrl, USE.NAMES=F)
) # takes 7-10 secs on my laptop

# does Vectorize help? 
vGetEffectiveUrl <- Vectorize(getEffectiveUrl, vectorize.args = "url")
  effectiveUrls2 <- vGetEffectiveUrl(testUrls)
) # nope, makes it worse
¿Fue útil?


I had bad experience with RCurl and Async request. R would completely freeze (though no error message, CPU and RAM did not spike) with only concurrent 20 requests.

I recommend switching to CURL and using curl_fetch_multi() function. It my case it could easily handle 50000 JSON request in one pool (with some division into subpools under the hood).

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