
I was doing search using elastic search using the code:"article-index", fields="url", body={
  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "keywordstr",
      "fields": [

Now I want to insert another parameter in the search scoring - "recencyboost".

I was told function_score should solve the problem

res ="article-index", fields="url", body={
  "query": {
    "function_score": {
      "functions": {
        "DECAY_FUNCTION": {
          "recencyboost": {
            "origin": "0",
            "scale": "20"
      "query": {
          "query_string": {
            "query": keywordstr
      "score_mode": "multiply"

It gives me error that dictionary {"query_string": {"query": keywordstr}} is not hashable.

1) How can I fix the error?

2) How can I change the decay function such that it give higher weight to higher recency boost?

¿Fue útil?


You appear to have an extra query in your search (giving a total of three), which is giving you an unwanted top-level. You need to remove the top-level query and replace it with function_score as the top level key.

res ="article-index", fields="url", body={"function_score": {
    "query": {
        { "query_string": {"query": keywordstr} }
    "functions": {
        "DECAY_FUNCTION": {
            "recencyboost": {
                "origin": "0",
                "scale": "20"
    "score_mode": "multiply"

Note: score_mode defaults to "multiply", as does the unused boost_mode, so it should be unnecessary to supply it.

Otros consejos

You cant use dictionary as a key in the dictionary. You are doing this in the following segment of the code:

"query": {
    {"query_string": {"query": keywordstr}}

Following should work fine

"query": {
    "query_string": {"query": keywordstr}

use it like this

     query: {
        function_score: {
          query: {
            filtered: {
              query: {
                bool: {
                   must: [
                        query_string: {
                          query: shop_search,
                          fields: [ 'shop_name']
                        boost: 2.0
                        query_string: {
                          query: shop_search,
                          fields: [ 'shop_name']
                        boost: 3.0
            filter: {
      //          { term: { search_city:  }}
          exp: {
            location: {  
               origin: { lat:  12.8748964,
                lon: 77.6413239
              scale: "10000m",
              offset: "0m",
              decay: "0.5"
  //        score_mode: "sum"
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