
I'm using SQL Server 2012 and encountered strange problem.

This is the original query I've been using:


   FROM [TABLE_Accounts_History] H
   INNER JOIN [TABLE_For_Filtering] A ON H.[RSIN] = A.[RSIN]
      H.[NUM] = (SELECT TOP 1 [NUM] FROM [TABLE_Accounts_History]
                 WHERE [RSIN] = H.[RSIN] 
                   AND [AccountSys] = H.[AccountSys]
                   AND [Cl_Acc_Typ] = H.[Cl_Acc_Typ]
                   AND [DATE_DEAL] < @dte
                 ORDER BY [DATE_DEAL] DESC)
      AND H.[TYPE_DEAL] <> 'D'

Table TABLE_Accounts_History consists of 3 200 000 records.

Table TABLE_For_Filtering is around 1 500 records.

Insert took me 2m 40s and inserted 1 600 000 records for further work.

But then I decided to attach a column from pretty small table TABLE_Additional (only around 100 recs):


   SELECT H.*, P.[prof_type]    
   FROM [TABLE_Accounts_History] H
   INNER JOIN [TABLE_For_Filtering] A ON H.[RSIN] = A.[RSIN]
   LEFT JOIN [TABLE_Additional] P ON H.[ACCOUNTSYS] = P.[AccountSys]
   WHERE        H.[NUM] = ( SELECT TOP 1    [NUM]
                        FROM            [TABLE_Accounts_History]
                        WHERE           [RSIN] = H.[RSIN]
                                    AND [AccountSys] = H.[AccountSys]
                                    AND [Cl_Acc_Typ] = H.[Cl_Acc_Typ]
                                    AND [DATE_DEAL] < @dte
                        ORDER BY        [DATE_DEAL] DESC)
        AND H.[TYPE_DEAL] <> 'D' 

And now it takes ages this query to complete. Why is it so? How such small left join possibly can dump performance? How can I improve it?

An update: no luck so far with LEFT JOIN. Indexes, no indexes, hinted indexes.. For now I've found a workaround by using my first query and UPDATE after it:

SET     [PROF_TYPE] = P1.[prof_type]
        [TABLE_Additional] P1
    ON  A1.[ACCOUNTSYS] = P1.[AccountSys]

Takes only 5s and does pretty much the same I've been trying to achieve. Still SQL Server performance is mystery to me.

¿Fue útil?


The 'small' left join is actually doing a lot of extra work for you. SQL Server has to go back to TABLE_Additional for each row from your inner join between and TABLE_Accounts_History and TABLE_For_Filtering. You can help SQL Server a few ways to speed this up by trying some indexing. You could:

1) Ensure TABLE_Accounts_History has an index on the Foreign Key H.[ACCOUNTSYS]

2) If you think that TABLE_Additional will always be accessed by the AccountSys, i.e. you will be requesting AccountSys in ordered groups, you could create a Clustered Index on TABLE_Additional.AccountSys. (in orther words physically order the table on disk in order of AccountSys)

3) You could also ensure there is a foreign key index on TABLE_Accounts_History.

Otros consejos

left outer join selects all rows from left table. In Your case your left table has 3 200 000 this much rows and then comparing with each record to your right table. One solution is to use Indexes which will reduce retrieval time.

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