
The closure compiler a warning about a property that isn't defined on an extern when as far as I can tell the property is defined on that extern.

I would like to get the closure compiler to compile this cleanly without issuing this warning.

I am using the following options for the compiler:

  • angular_pass
  • compilation_level=ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS
  • create_source_map
  • language_in=ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT
  • manage_closure_dependencies
  • warning_level=VERBOSE

The warning that is produced is:

trFilter.js:19: WARNING - Property instant never defined on pascalprecht.translate.$translate
            target = $translate.instant(texts.toString());

The file that produces the warning has the following contents:

var myApp = {};

 * The trFilter generates translated strings.
(function () {
  'use strict';

   * @param {pascalprecht.translate.$translate} $translate
   * @returns {function((Array.<string>|string)): string}
  var trFilter = function ($translate) {
    return function(texts) {
      var target;
      target = $translate.instant(texts.toString());
      return target;

  myApp.trFilter = ['$translate', trFilter];

    .filter('tr', myApp.trFilter);

My extern for angular-translate contains the following:

 * @fileoverview Externs for Angular Translate.
 * @externs

 * Base namespace
 * @type {Object}
 * @const
var pascalprecht = {};

 * angular-translate namespace
 * @type {Object}
 * @const
pascalprecht.translate = {};

 * The $translate service
 * @constructor

 * Returns a translation instantly from the internal state of loaded translation. All rules
 * regarding the current language, the preferred language of even fallback languages will be
 * used except any promise handling. If a language was not found, an asynchronous loading
 * will be invoked in the background.
 * @param {string} translationId Translation ID
 * @param {Object=} interpolateParams Params
 * @param {string=} interpolationId
 * @return {string} translation
pascalprecht.translate.$translate.instant = function (translationId, interpolateParams, interpolationId) {};
goog.exportProperty(pascalprecht.translate.$translate, 'instant',  pascalprecht.translate.$translate.instant);

I don't think the goog.provide() and goog.exportProperty() calls are required in the extern file. I have tested with and without them in the file, but they don't seem to make any difference.

I am running closure using the grunt-closure-compiler grunt helper.

Changing to warning_level=QUIET does eliminate the warning, but it also eliminates warnings about things that would be an issue. For example, if I change the call to this:

target = $translate.instatn(texts.toString(());

I would like to get a warning, because there is no instatn() function on the $translate object.

What do I need to change to get the closure compiler to find the correct extern function in this case?

¿Fue útil?


I try this:

 * The $translate service
 * @type {Object}
 * @constructor

(put the @type {Object}). And the

"WARNING - Property instant never defined on pascalprecht.translate.$translate"

not show more.

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