
I'm trying to add media queries support to IE8 and as stated in the title, respond.js is working on my local machine but not on the server.

  • I have the respond.js on the head, after the link to the CSS.
  • The media queries are screen and (max-width: 940px){}
  • the respond.js is being served by my server, so no x-domain issues.
  • If I disable the CSS on IE8 all the site content is shown.
  • I'm using grunt to output my live files and they are being minified, css, html and js.
  • Already uploaded unminified version of HTML and CSS but no luck.

Any idea what the problem might be?

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I have the respond.js on the head, after the link to the CSS.

You should place respond.js after any inline-CSS as well. A good place to put it would be at the end of body (or just before the closing html tag)

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