
Hey I am relatively new to wordpress and the theme i use is not localized.

I have lines like this

<?php echo comments_number('no comments', '1 comment', '% comments'); ?>

and make it to this

<?php load_theme_textdomain('myLocalization'); echo comments_number(_e('no comments','myLocalization'), '1 comment', '% comments'); ?>

I created a .po file with this page and edited with the programm poedit and make all changes what have to be done in this tutorial

But it didn't work. It will not change the string.

Can you give me a hint, where i make a failure. Has the file named to the theme name?

¿Fue útil?


If you are using German language, your .po, .mo file name should be de_DE.po,

text domain file should be {locale}.po, {locate}.mo. you can get current locale name by following wordpress function.

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