Factor Clojure code setting many different fields in a Java object using a parameter map bound to a var or local

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23110132


I would like to set a group of fields in a Java object from Clojure without using reflection at runtime.

This solution (copied from one of the solutions) is close to what I am after:

(defmacro set-all! [obj m]
    `(do ~@(map (fn [e] `(set! (. ~obj ~(key e)) ~(val e))) m) ~obj))

(def a (java.awt.Point.))
(set-all! a {x 300 y 100})

This works fine but I want the macro to be able to process a map of fields and values passed in as a var or as a local binding (i.e. not passed directly to the macro as above). The fields should be represented as keywords so the following should work:

(def a (java.awt.Point.))
(def m {:x 300 :y 100})
(set-all! a m)

I can't figure out how to do this using set! and the special dot form within a macro (or any solution that works as above without using reflection at runtime).

¿Fue útil?


For this, I would do compile-time reflection coupled with polymorphism.

(defprotocol FieldSettable (set-field! [this k v]))

(defmacro extend-field-setter [klass] 
  (let [obj (with-meta (gensym "obj_") {:tag klass})
        fields (map #(symbol (.getName ^java.lang.reflect.Field %)) 
                    (-> klass str (java.lang.Class/forName) .getFields))
        setter (fn [fld] 
                 `(fn [~obj v#] (set! (. ~obj ~fld) v#) ~obj))] 
    `(let [m# ~(into {} (map (juxt keyword setter) fields))] 
       (extend ~klass 
         {:set-field! (fn [~obj k# v#] ((m# k#) ~obj v#))}))))

This allows you to extend field setters per class.

(extend-field-setter java.awt.Point)
(extend-field-setter java.awt.Rectangle)

Now set-field! works on either and can be used with reduce-kv on a map.

(def pt (java.awt.Point.))
(def rect (java.awt.Rectangle.))

(def m {:x 1, :y 2})

(reduce-kv set-field! pt m) 
;=> #<Point java.awt.Point[x=1,y=2]>

(reduce-kv set-field! rect m) 
;=> #<Rectangle java.awt.Rectangle[x=1,y=2,width=0,height=0]>

Where in the rect example the width and height fields were left unaltered since not specified in the map.

Otros consejos

Ok, this works. I'm not sure if it is faster than reflection and I'd like to see it done more elegantly if anyone has any suggestions.

(defmacro set-fn-2 [f]
    `(fn [o# v#] (set! (. o# ~f) v#)))

(defmacro set-fn-1 [f]
    `(list 'set-fn-2 (symbol ~f)))

(defn set-fn-0 [f]
    (eval (set-fn-1 (symbol (name f)))))

(def set-fn (memoize set-fn-0))

(def a (java.awt.Point.))

(def val-map {:x 1 :y 2})

(defn set-all! [o m]
    (doseq [k (keys m)] ((set-fn k) o (m k))))

(set-all! a val-map)

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