
Searched and tried all examples here but no luck. I want to find the value of node 'CustomID' from this XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AppMgmtDigest xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <Application AuthoringScopeId="ScopeId_B831987C-E9E7-47D5-95A5-1EEAC7B035D5" LogicalName="Application_d030d07c-a5ef-419b-aa46-44ff0697050b" Version="13">
        <DisplayInfo DefaultLanguage="en-US">
            <Info Language="en-US">
                <Title>Adobe Acrobat Professional XI</Title>
                    <Tag>Adobe Acrobat Professional XI</Tag>
            <DeploymentType AuthoringScopeId="ScopeId_B831987C-E9E7-47D5-95A5-1EEAC7B035D5" LogicalName="DeploymentType_9193d006-04f2-41e5-8495-62bedf3f79e4" Version="10" />
        <Title ResourceId="Res_814073674">Adobe Acrobat Professional XI</Title>
        <Description ResourceId="Res_469365393" />
        <Publisher ResourceId="Res_231516204">Adobe</Publisher>
        <SoftwareVersion ResourceId="Res_266572543">11.0.00</SoftwareVersion>
        <CustomId ResourceId="Res_1915338015">**THIS IS ANSWER**</CustomId>
            <User Qualifier="LogonName" Id="abc" />
            <User Qualifier="LogonName" Id="abc" />

The value (of node ) I want is "THIS IS ANSWER". I tried this but no luck:

select a.b.value('.','varchar(max)')
    from @xml.nodes('//AppMgmtDigest/Application/CustomId') a(b);
¿Fue útil?


Your XML has a namespace which you need to consider in your XPath expression.

You can extract the text you want without taking the namespace into account using this XPath expression:


You can try:

select a.b.value('.','varchar(max)') 
    from @xml.nodes('//*[local-name()="AppMgmtDigest"]/*[local-name()="Application"]/*[local-name()="CustomId"]') a(b);

You can also register the namespace. You would probably have to add something like this before your select query:

;with xmlnamespaces ('‌​st' as prefix)

Where prefix is any prefix you want. Then you use the prefix to qualify the XPath elements:

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