
I converted the .ttf font i need (3 files), and included them inside the tcpdf fonts folder.

It works just fine when i use the classic $pdf->SetFont(); call, but the problem is i dont know how to change font inside the html which is later called using $pdf->writeHTML();

Let us call it the font X.

For example:

$pdf->SetFont('DejaVu Sans','',10);

$html = '
<td><span style="font-family:X;"></span></td>

$pdf->writeHTML($html, true, false, true, false, '');

What i want, is to use the dejavu sans font through all the document, except for the <span> inside the first <td> tag, where i need the font X. I tried using the font-family property but it does not work so far.

¿Fue útil?


You won't be able to do that with only one writeHTML. You can use DomPDF if you want a real HTML to PDF transform.

Notice than you can do it using several writeHTML() functions, but it will be hard to place correctly your words.

Otros consejos

As of 2019, the accepted answer is not correct anymore. In short — it works nowadays!

I've tested the following example in TCPDF 6.2.9:

$pdf->AddFont('PTSans', '', 'ptsans.php');
$pdf->AddFont('DejaVuSans', '', 'dejavusans.php')

/* Setting the font family: */
$pdf->setFont('PTSans', '', 9);

/* outputting with writeHTMLCell, which internally calls MultiCell(), 
 * which in turn uses writeHTML() for HTML 
$pdf->writeHTMLCell(100, 10, '', '', '<span style="font-family:DejaVuSans;">А</span>A (<span style="font-family:DejaVuSans;">Ö</span>Ö)')

I see the following (screenshot)

enter image description here

Note that I've tried writing the font family name as DejaVuSans, dejavusans, Deja Vu Sans, 'Deja Vu Sans' (with quotes) — all of these work, provided the font has the needed characters. I suppose that TCPDF lowercases the font family and strips whitespace from it.

$pdf = new TCPDF('P', 'px', $defaultSize, true, 'UTF-8', false);
$pdf->SetTitle('HTML Pages');
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false, 0);
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 0);

//Load font front file path url
$fontname = TCPDF_FONTS::addTTFfont('/Users/Work/storage/app/public/Arial regular.ttf', '', '', 32);
echo $fontname;//"arial" use this font in html code
$pdf->AddFont($fontname, '', 14, '', false);

//Load font front file path url
$fontname_ = TCPDF_FONTS::addTTFfont('/Users/Work/storage/app/public/BebasNeue-Regular.ttf', '', '', 32);
echo $fontname;//"bebasneue" use this font in html code
$pdf->AddFont($fontname_, '', 14, '', false);

//HTML code start
$html = '<table border="0" cellpadding="10" style="width: 100%;"  >';
$html .= '<tr nobr="true" >';
$html .= '<td>';

//use loaded font here
$html .= '<font face="arial"  >The formatting rules are not configurable but are already optimized for the best possible output.</font>';
//use loaded font here
$html .= '<font face="bebasneue"  >The formatting rules are not configurable but are already optimized for the best possible output.</font>';

$html .= '</td>';
$html .=   "</tr>";
$html .=   "</table>";

//write html into pdf

//save file in output path
$filePath = storage_path('app/public/samplePDF.pdf");  
echo "PDF File - ".$filePath;
$pdf->Output($filePath, 'F');

Basically we need to use tag <font face="bebasneue" ></font> to apply the loaded font into HTML code.

<font face="Arial" >Test تست </font>

change the font inside Html

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