
I have the following XML

        <R N="1">
            <MT N="NonEnglishAbstract" V="[DE]Deutsch Abstract text[FR]French Abstract text[AB]Not new language"/>

I use the below XSLT to format the output as given further below


<xsl:template match="MT[@N='NonEnglishAbstract']">
    <xsl:analyze-string select="@V" regex="\[([^\[\]]+)\]([^\[]+)">
            <p class="{regex-group(1)}">
                <xsl:value-of select="regex-group(2)"/>


<p class="DE">Deutsch Abstract text</p>
<p class="FR">French Abstract text</p>
<p class="AB">Not new language</p>

The regex in the XSLT matches any pattern like [DE], [FR], [AB], [CD] etc. Now I want to match only certain ones like [DE], [FR] etc. which I have in a comma delimited variable like

<xsl:variable name="language-code>
    <xsl:value-of select="'[DE],[FR],[RU]'"/>

What would be the modified regex to be used in this changed scenario?

Modified Output should be

<p class="DE">Deutsch Abstract text</p>
<p class="FR">French Abstract text[AB]Not new language</p>
¿Fue útil?


I have slightly changed the parameter value to pass in the language codes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:fn=""
  exclude-result-prefixes="xs fn">

<xsl:param name="language-codes" as="xs:string*" select="'DE', 'FR', 'RU'"/>
<xsl:variable name="lang-regex" select="concat('\[(', string-join($language-codes, '|'), ')\]')"/>

<xsl:output method="html" indent="yes"/>

<xsl:template match="MT[@N='NonEnglishAbstract']">
  <xsl:variable name="matches">
    <xsl:analyze-string select="@V" regex="{$lang-regex}">
          <p class="{regex-group(1)}"/>
          <value><xsl:value-of select="."/></value>
  <xsl:for-each select="$matches/p">
    <p class="{@class}">
      <xsl:value-of select="following-sibling::value[1]"/>

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