
I am not an expert but I am no noob at PHP, yet for whatever reason I am stomped as to why my document will not load. Here is my code.

<?php include 'header.php'; ?>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">


<p>Hello everyone</p>



When I pull out the PHP portion the HTML loads fine. Here is the code in my header.php file.


I have tried this on two different hosts, both of which are hosting other PHP websites and still getting issues. I have also validated it with W3Schools and another online PHP validator. Both didn't find any errors. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Enable errors to see errors, this way:

ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('display_errors', true);

This code is a PHP error:


Try change to:

echo '<href="index.php">Home</a>';

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Is no valid PHP. This would, however work:

<a href="index.php">Home</a>

Inside of the PHP-tags you can only use PHP - no HTML. Also, <href> is no HTML tag.

Look at this question How to get useful error messages in PHP? to find out, how to enable error messages in PHP.

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