
Is it possible to create a tuple in Python with indices that are string-based, not number based? That is, if I have a tuple of ("yellow", "fish", "10), I would be able to access by [color] instead of [0]. This is really only for the sake of convenience.

¿Fue útil?


You can use collections.namedtuple():

>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> MyObject = namedtuple('MyObject', 'color number')
>>> my_obj = MyObject(color="yellow", number=10)
>>> my_obj.color
>>> my_obj.number

And you can still access items by index:

>>> my_obj[0]
>>> my_obj[1]

Otros consejos

Yes, collections.namedtuple does this, although you'll access the color with x.color rather than x['color']

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