
So I have a function on javacc:

void parseDSL() throws SemanticException #void :
    <ALL> "/*@mat" dslStatements() "*/" <ALL> <EOF>

My objective is to ignore everything until the "/*@mat" matches and after the parsing ignores everythings until EOF. I'm really struggling to find a regular expressions that works here. One example of a file that should pass is:

public class blabla {
    int i=1;/*@mat
    in float B[100];
    in float C[100];
    in int A[9];
    in int Z[9];
    out float D[];
    */boolean a;

Thank You.

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This is what lexical states are for. See the documentation and FAQ for more information. Roughly what you want is

<DEFAULT> SKIP: { < ~[] > }  // Skip everything up to "/*@mat"
<DEFAULT> TOKEN: { < STARTMAT: "/*@mat" > : GO } 
<GO> TOKEN: { <IN : "in" >
            | <OUT : "out" >
            | .... other rules go here ....
            | <ENDMAT : "*/" > : DEFAULT // On a "*/" go back to skipping. 
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