
In Eloquent, you can do this:

public function children() {
    return $this->hasMany('page');

And in Ardent, you can do this:

public static $relationsData = [
    'children' => [self::HAS_MANY, 'Page'],

In Eloquent, you can also do this:

public function children() {
    return $this->hasMany('page')->orderBy('sort_order', 'desc');

Is there any way to do that, or get the same effect as that in Ardent?

I really like the short Ardent notation, but don't want to have to call $page->children->ordered() with a scope just to order them, as they'll need to be ordered every single time it's called anyway.

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As it turns out, it's just not possible. You need the full definition if you want to do anything more than the basic relation functionality.

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