
I've installed MySQLdb successfully for my system python -- and I've added the library to app.yaml as well, but the dev-appserver does not recognize it. I've followed the tutorial here:

I downloaded and installed the latest Python mysql from here:

sudo CFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments CPPFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments python build
sudo CFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments CPPFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments python install

If I run python from the Command Line I can happily import MySQLdb

Here's what I have in app.yaml:

- name: webapp2
  version: "2.5.2"
- name: jinja2
  version: "2.6"
- name: MySQLdb
  version: "1.2.4b4"

Here's the exception I get when I try to open a page hosted by my appengine dev server.

ERROR    2014-05-15 20:23:19,480] 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/", line 239, in Handle
    handler = _config_handle.add_wsgi_middleware(self._LoadHandler())
  File "/Applications/", line 298, in _LoadHandler
    handler, path, err = LoadObject(self._handler)
  File "/Applications/", line 84, in LoadObject
    obj = __import__(path[0])
  File "xxxx/", line 10, in <module>
    import MySQLdb
ImportError: No module named MySQLdb

Any help would be deeply appreciated -- the tutorial isn't working. Thanks for your generosity and kindness!


¿Fue útil?


The following worked for me. I got the same error from App Engine, but it turned out that the problem was module _mysql wasn't configured properly.

Add this to ~/.bash_profile:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin

Create a symlink to the MySQL lib:

ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib

Otros consejos

I had the same problem with local development and struggled with it for a while. Eventually, I wrote command line version of all my queries, tested them and then fully deployed the app. It worked from there.

If you find a solution that allows local dev, please post it here.

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