
Say you've spent a significant amount of time (5 years) serially starting up companies, with enough success to keep going for 5 years, but not enough to retire rich.

And now, with a mortgage and a serious relationship, burned out, you're trying to dust off your resume and get a regular, 9-5 job.

How would you record/report on your work experience at the startups?

Making a list of technologies sounds silly (it'll get out of hand on account of size), and very incomplete (with very small, early stage startups, there is a lot more work to go around than just hacking away at code). A regular programming job also seems like a waste (with all of the mix of experience that comes from working at a startup, giving up on the additional skills learned along the way doesn't feel quite right) so reporting on the experience as one would on a regular programmers' resume might not be the correct thing.

No hay solución correcta

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