
I'd like to read the opinion of experts on whether compiled, strictly-typed languages help programmers write robust code easier, having their backs, checking for type mismatches, and in general, catching flaws in compile time that otherwise would be discovered in runtime ?

Has unit testing in loosely typed, interpreted languages need to be more thorough because test cases need to assess things that in a compiled languages wouldn't simply compile ?

Need the programer in compiled, strictly-typed need to write less code since he/she doesn't have to constantly check for correct types ( instance of operator ) since the compiler catches those things ( the same applying to misspelled variable names or uninitiated variables ) ?

NOTE: by strictly typed language I mean languages that force you to declare variables and assign a type to them in order to be able to use them, and once a variable is declared, you cannot change its type or assign incompatible type values.

int myInt = 0;
String myString = "";
myInt = myString; // this will not fly in a strictly typed language
myInte = 10;   // neither will this ( myInte variable doesn't exist )

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