
I have the following repeat control showing all products:

<xp:repeat id="rptProduct" rows="16" value="#{vwProduct}"
        <xp:panel styleClass="linkPanel" id="panel1">
            <xp:text escape="false" id="imgHTML">
            <xp:eventHandler event="onClientLoad"
                submit="true" refreshMode="norefresh"></xp:eventHandler></xp:panel>

Where getImgURLForProduct builds a URL from another database:

function getImgURLForProduct(doc:NotesDocument) {
    var resourceDB:NotesDatabase = session.getDatabase(getWebServer(), applicationScope.aspCRMResourceDBPath);
    var strReturnVal:String = "<a style='text-decoration: none;' href='#'>";

    if (resourceDB != null) {
        if (resourceDB.isOpen()) {
            var vwResource:NotesView = resourceDB.getView("vwLookupAttachmentsForPrimaryImg");

            if (vwResource != null) {
                var pictureDoc:NotesDocument = vwResource.getDocumentByKey(doc.getItemValueString("fldProductCode"), true);

                if (pictureDoc != null) {
                    if (pictureDoc.hasItem("fldThumbImage")) {
                        var rtiLockPicture:NotesRichTextItem = pictureDoc.getFirstItem("fldThumbImage");

                        var eos:java.util.Vector = rtiLockPicture.getEmbeddedObjects();

                        if (eos.isEmpty() == false) {
                            var eosi:java.util.Iterator = eos.iterator();

                            while (eosi.hasNext()) {
                                var eo:NotesEmbeddedObject =;

                                if (eo.getType() == NotesEmbeddedObject.EMBED_ATTACHMENT) {
                                    var strImageFile:String = "/" +  applicationScope.aspCRMResourceDBPath + "/0/" + pictureDoc.getUniversalID() + "/$file/" + eo.getSource(); 
                                    strReturnVal += "<img src='" + strImageFile + "' alt='" + eo.getSource() + "' border='0' width='105'>";

    strReturnVal += "<br /><br /><span>" + doc.getItemValueString("fldProductCode") +  "</span>";
    strReturnVal += "</a>";
    return strReturnVal;

I was wondering how I can improve the code so that the db and the view are not initialised for each and every item within a repeat control?

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