
let's say we have class A,B,C,D where A is base, B,C are between and D is derived in diamond model.


class B inherits virtualy class A in private mode,

class C inherita virtualy class A in protected mode.

class A
    int member;  // note this member
class B :
    virtual private A // note private 

class C :
    virtual protected A // note protected

class D :
    public B, // doesn't metter public or whatever here
    public C


int main()
    D test;
    test.member = 0; // WHAT IS member? protected or private member?
    return 0;

now when we make an instance of class D what will member be then? private or protected lol?

Figure No2:

what if we make it so:

class B :
    virtual public A // note public this time!

class C :
    virtual protected A // same as before


I suppose member will be public in this second example isn it?

No hay solución correcta

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