SsaoefFect.FX desde el espacio de la pantalla, el ejemplo de Oclusion XNA 3.1 no funciona en XNA 4.0



Estoy tratando de convertir el espacio de oclusión ambiental de espacio de pantalla de XNA 3.1 a XNA 4.0.He arreglado todos los problemas en la fuente, excepto este problema extraño en un archivo sombreado.He pasado y arreglé todos los problemas obvios con el shader, como guiado por el blog de Shawn Hargreaves, pero cuando lo compila, utiliza 620 ranuras de instrucciones, que está bien en el límite de ranura de instrucciones 512.¿Cómo podría haber trabajado en XNA 3.1, pero no en XNA 4.0?

Los cambios de la copia 3.1 del archivo son muy mínimos, y solo consisten en cambiar el nombre de algunas funciones.A continuación se muestra la fuente de sombreado completo en su forma actual.Estaré muy agradecido por cualquier ayuda para reducir las ranuras de instrucciones del número que esto compila.

float sampleRadius;
float distanceScale;
float4x4 Projection;

float3 cornerFustrum;

struct VS_OUTPUT
    float4 pos              : POSITION;
    float2 TexCoord         : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 viewDirection    : TEXCOORD1;

VS_OUTPUT VertexShaderFunction(
    float4 Position : POSITION, float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0)

    Out.pos = Position;
    Position.xy = sign(Position.xy);
    Out.TexCoord = (float2(Position.x, -Position.y) + float2( 1.0f, 1.0f ) ) * 0.5f;
    float3 corner = float3(-cornerFustrum.x * Position.x,
            cornerFustrum.y * Position.y, cornerFustrum.z);
    Out.viewDirection =  corner;

    return Out;

texture depthTexture;
texture randomTexture;

sampler2D depthSampler = sampler_state
    Texture = <depthTexture>;

sampler2D RandNormal = sampler_state
    Texture = <randomTexture>;

float4 PixelShaderFunction(VS_OUTPUT IN) : COLOR0
    float4 samples[16] =
        float4(0.355512,    -0.709318,  -0.102371,  0.0 ),
        float4(0.534186,    0.71511,    -0.115167,  0.0 ),
        float4(-0.87866,    0.157139,   -0.115167,  0.0 ),
        float4(0.140679,    -0.475516,  -0.0639818, 0.0 ),
        float4(-0.0796121,  0.158842,   -0.677075,  0.0 ),
        float4(-0.0759516,  -0.101676,  -0.483625,  0.0 ),
        float4(0.12493,     -0.0223423, -0.483625,  0.0 ),
        float4(-0.0720074,  0.243395,   -0.967251,  0.0 ),
        float4(-0.207641,   0.414286,   0.187755,   0.0 ),
        float4(-0.277332,   -0.371262,  0.187755,   0.0 ),
        float4(0.63864,     -0.114214,  0.262857,   0.0 ),
        float4(-0.184051,   0.622119,   0.262857,   0.0 ),
            float4(0.110007,    -0.219486,  0.435574,   0.0 ),
        float4(0.235085,    0.314707,   0.696918,   0.0 ),
        float4(-0.290012,   0.0518654,  0.522688,   0.0 ),
        float4(0.0975089,   -0.329594,  0.609803,   0.0 )

    IN.TexCoord.x += 1.0/1600.0;
    IN.TexCoord.y += 1.0/1200.0;

    normalize (IN.viewDirection);
    float depth = tex2D(depthSampler, IN.TexCoord).a;
    float3 se = depth * IN.viewDirection;

    float3 randNormal = tex2D( RandNormal, IN.TexCoord * 200.0 ).rgb;

    float3 normal = tex2D(depthSampler, IN.TexCoord).rgb;
    float finalColor = 0.0f;

    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        float3 ray = reflect(samples[i].xyz,randNormal) * sampleRadius;

        //if (dot(ray, normal) < 0)
        //  ray += normal * sampleRadius;

        float4 sample = float4(se + ray, 1.0f);
        float4 ss = mul(sample, Projection);

        float2 sampleTexCoord = 0.5f * ss.xy/ss.w + float2(0.5f, 0.5f);

        sampleTexCoord.x += 1.0/1600.0;
        sampleTexCoord.y += 1.0/1200.0;
        float sampleDepth = tex2D(depthSampler, sampleTexCoord).a;

        if (sampleDepth == 1.0)
            finalColor ++;
            float occlusion = distanceScale* max(sampleDepth - depth, 0.0f);
            finalColor += 1.0f / (1.0f + occlusion * occlusion * 0.1);

    return float4(finalColor/16, finalColor/16, finalColor/16, 1.0f);

technique SSAO
    pass P0
        VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VertexShaderFunction();
        PixelShader  = compile ps_3_0 PixelShaderFunction();
¿Fue útil?


XNA 4.0 enforces the 512 instruction limit (which the xbox360 has and the HiDef profile enforces as a minumum), whereas XNA3.1 didn't.

On the plus side, any graphics card that can run the XNA HiDef profile shouldn't fall over, where as had XNA allowed any number of instructions, it may have done.

Since you have a loop in your code, you could try forcing the compiler to use loop instructions if it's currently unrolling it (not familiar with this myself).

Otros consejos

If you are looking for an XNA 4 SSAO that has open source, check this link out : Deferred Rendering with SSAO Normals

reduce the number of samples in the shader from 16 to 8

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