
Cómo agregar una parte web en la página de tal manera que más adelante puedo encontrarlo (usando CSOM): ¿podemos ser información de identificador de alguna manera de la tienda a la parte web?Diga que el usuario podría cambiar el título y la descripción (para que no se puedan usar como identificadores).

o tenemos que usar (asmx) servicios web ..


Aparece ASMX es necesario. Vadim propone la solución de Javascript a continuación. Aquí también el código del lado del servidor simple (el cliente usa _vti_bin / webpartpages.asmx)

XElement resultElement = client.GetWebPartProperties2("/SitePages/DevHome.aspx", Storage.Shared, SPWebServiceBehavior.Version3);

var webParts = new List<Dictionary<string,string>>();
foreach (XNode webPartNode in resultElement.Nodes())
  var properties = new Dictionary<string,string>();
  XElement element = webPartNode as XElement;
  foreach (XNode propertyNode in element.Nodes())
    XElement propertyElement = propertyNode as XElement;
    if (propertyElement != null)
      properties.Add(propertyElement.Name.LocalName, propertyElement.Value);

edit2 Como puntos de Ali a continuación, podríamos usar el GUID de la parte web como el identificador: lo obtendríamos mientras creamos la parte web, lo guardaríamos a una ubicación externa y lo usaríamos más adelante.Sin embargo, en este caso no podemos usar / almacenar este identificador, pero debe proporcionar nuestro propio.Por lo tanto, la única posibilidad restante parece ser ASMX.

¿Fue útil?


WebPartPagesWebService exposes GetWebPartProperties2 Method that could be used to retrieve information about web parts (eg, WebPartID) on page

For example, the code below demonstrates how to get Web Parts Ids:

function getWebPartProperties(pageUrl,completeFn,errorFn)
    var soapEnv =
        '<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">  \
            <soap:Body>  \
                <GetWebPartProperties2 xmlns="">  \
                    <pageUrl>' + pageUrl + '</pageUrl>   \
                    <storage>Shared</storage>   \
                    <behavior>Version3</behavior>   \
                </GetWebPartProperties2>  \
            </soap:Body>   \

        url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_vti_bin/WebPartPages.asmx",
        type: "POST",
        dataType: "xml",
        data: soapEnv,
        complete: completeFn,
        error: errorFn,
        contentType: "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\""

$(function() {
            $(xhr.responseXML).find("WebPart").each(function() {
                var wpId = $(this).attr("ID");

                //Manipulate web part by Id via CSOM here... 



Otros consejos

Using the WebPartManager one could retrieve all web parts in a page, see example by

In terms of web service access, there is of course a SOAP web service the Web Part pages web service ( which allows manipulating web parts in a page.

Each web part has an Unique Identifier automatically added by SharePoint anyway, so you don't need to add another one. Your best choice here is still the WebPartManager (Shared or Personal).

//get the connection
ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext("http://foo");

//get the home page
File home = ctx.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl("/SitePages/home.aspx");

//get the web part manager
LimitedWebPartManager wpm = home.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared);

//load the web part definitions

//get the web part definition
WebPartDefinition wpd = wpm.WebParts.GetById(MyWebPartId);

//set the title
wpd.WebPart.Title = "My Web Part Title";

the above does what your asking for as c. marius has pointed out, as for a unique ID, its already set. wpd.WebPart.ID will show the id.... if you return that value within a lable or textbox than youll see the unique ID that is auto generated! Title and description are not unique!

if you want to search by title:

//get the connection
ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext("http://foo");

//get the home page
File home = ctx.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl("/SitePages/home.aspx");

//get the web part manager
LimitedWebPartManager wpm = home.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared);

//load the web part definitions

foreach ( WebPart wp in wpm.WebParts)
       //get the web part definition
       WebPartDefinition wpd = wp;

      //get the title
      string title = wpd.WebPart.Title;

      //get the ID
      string id = wpd.WebPart.ID;

      //get a specific webpart with a specific title
      if (wpd.WebPart.Title == "HOME")
         //return ID
         string id = wpd.WebPart.ID;

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