
Aquí está mi problema: estoy modificando el código que encontré para los algoritmos genéticos para realizar la optimización numérica de una función.Esencialmente, dada una función F y nuestro Valor Deseado, el programa usa GA para buscar valores de xey que proporcionen el Valor Deseado apropiado.Sigo jugando con mi función de fitness, que creo que es la raíz del problema.

El desglose del código básico es:

Generar una población de cromosomas aleatoria.

Utilice una clasificación de burbujas basada en la aptitud de cada cromosoma.

Comprueba si alguno de ellos resuelve la función.

Si uno lo resuelve, entonces deténgase e imprímalo.

Los demás, Generar hijos en función de los padres Ordenar, comprobar la mejor respuesta, bucle

Espero que alguien pueda indicarme la dirección correcta. Voy a analizarlo de nuevo un poco más esta noche, pero parece que he encontrado un problema con esto.Para funciones más complejas que las que he codificado, parece converger alrededor de un porcentaje aleatorio (generalmente menos de 20)...pero debería estar mucho más cerca de 0.La función codificada simple sigue arrojando alrededor del 99% de diferencia...así que no estoy al 100% en lo que pasa.

import java.util.*;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.TreeMap; 
 * Modified from a file created Jul 9, 2003
 * Original @author Fabian Jones
 * Modified @author Cutright
 * @version 2
public class ScratchGA
private static int NUM_CHROMOSOMES = 100;   //num of chromosomes in population
private static double MUTATE =  .01;  //chance of a mutation i.e. 88.8%
private static int desiredValue = 60466176; //desired value of function 
private static int cutoff = 1000; // number of iterations before cut off
private static int longPrint = 0;  //1 means print out each iteration of the population
private boolean done = false;
private Chromosome[] population;
int iteration = 0;

 * Constructor for objects of class ScratchGA
public ScratchGA()

 * Generate a random population of chromosomes  - WORKS
private void generateRandomPopulation(int pop)
    System.out.println("Generating random population of " + pop + ", now." +"\n");

    population = new Chromosome[pop];

    for(int i=0; i<pop; i++)
        int rand = (int)(Math.random()*4095);  // Range 0 to 4095
        population[i] = (new Chromosome(rand, 12));

 * Codesaver for generating a new line in the output
private void newLine()

 * Prints the population (the chromosomes)
private void printPopulation()
    int x=1; // variable to print 10 chromosomes on a line
    if (iteration==0)
    System.out.println("Initial population: " + "\n" );
        if (longPrint ==1)
    System.out.println("Population " + iteration + " :" + "\n");
    for(int i=0; i<=(NUM_CHROMOSOMES-1); i++)
        System.out.print(population[i] + " ");
        if(x == 10)

      System.out.println("Best answer for iteration " + iteration + " is: " + population[0] + " with a % difference of " +population[0].getFitness());
 * Start
 * Bubblesort initial population by their fitness, see if the first chromosome
 * in the sorted array satisfies our constraint.
 * IF done ==true or max num of iterations
 *        Print best solution and its fitness
 *    generate new population based on old one, and continue on
public void start()
   // System.out.println("Starting bubblesort... Please Wait.");
    //System.out.println("After Bubblesort: " );

    if(done || iteration==cutoff){
        System.out.println("Best solution: " + population[0] + " % Difference: " + population[0].getFitness());
 * If the top chromosomes fitness (after being sorted by bubblesort) is 100%
 * done == true
private void topFitness()
    if (population[0].getFitness() == 0)
        done = true;

 * Called from chromosome,
 * Tests the x and y values in the function and returns their output
public static double functionTest(int x, int y)
    return (3*x)^(2*y); // From our desired value we're looking for x=2, y=5 

 * Returns the desired outcome of the function, with ideal x and y
 * Stored above in a private static
public static int getDesired()
    return desiredValue;

 * Sort Chromosome array, based on fitness
 * utilizes a bubblesort
 private void bubbleSort()
     Chromosome temp;

     for(int i=0; i<NUM_CHROMOSOMES; i++){
         for(int j=1; j<(NUM_CHROMOSOMES-i); j++){
             if(population[j-1].getFitness() > population[j].getFitness())
                 //swap elements
                 temp = population[j-1];
                 population[j-1] = population[j];
                 population[j] = temp;
* Top 30: Elitism
* Next 60: Offspring of Elitists
* Next 10: Random
  private void generateNewPopulation(){

    System.out.println("***Generating New Population");
    Chromosome[] temp = new Chromosome[100];
    for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
     Chromosome x = population[i];
     if (shouldMutate())
   for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
    temp[i+30] =cross1(population[i], population[i+1]);
    temp[i+60] = cross2(population[i], population[i+1]);
   for (int i = 90; i<100; i++)
        int rand = (int)(Math.random()*4095);  // Range 0 to 4095
        Chromosome x = new Chromosome(rand, 12);
        temp[i] = x;
    population = temp;
 * First cross type, with two parents
private Chromosome cross1(Chromosome parent1, Chromosome parent2){
    String bitS1 = parent1.getBitString();
    String bitS2 = parent2.getBitString();
    int length = bitS1.length();
    int num = (int)(Math.random()*length); // number from 0 to length-1
    String newBitString = bitS2.substring(0, num) + bitS1.substring(num, length);
    Chromosome offspring = new Chromosome();


    return offspring;

 * Second cross type, parents given in same order as first, but reverses internal workings
private Chromosome cross2(Chromosome parent1, Chromosome parent2){
    String bitS1 = parent1.getBitString();
    String bitS2 = parent2.getBitString();
    int length = bitS1.length();
    int num = (int)(Math.random()*length); // number from 0 to length-1
    String newBitString = bitS2.substring(0, num) + bitS1.substring(num, length);
    Chromosome offspring = new Chromosome();


    return offspring;

 * Returns a boolean of whether a character should mutate based on the mutation value at top
private boolean shouldMutate(){
    double num = Math.random()*100;
    return (num <= MUTATE);

 * Returns a boolean of whether a character should mutate based on the mutation value at top
private void mutate(Chromosome offspring){
    String s = offspring.getBitString();
    int num = s.length();
    int index = (int) (Math.random()*num);
    String newBit = flip(s.substring(index, index+1));
    String newBitString = s.substring(0, index) + newBit + s.substring(index+1, s.length());
 * Flips bits in a string 1 to 0, 0 to 1
private String flip(String s){
    return s.equals("0")? "1":"0";


import java.lang.Comparable;
import java.math.*;
* Modified from a file created on Jul 9, 2003
* Unsure of original author
public class Chromosome implements Comparable
protected String bitString;

 * Constructor for objects of class Chromosome
public Chromosome()

public Chromosome(int value, int length)
    bitString = convertIntToBitString(value, length);

public void setBitString(String s)
    bitString = s;

public String getBitString()
    return bitString;

public int compareTo(Object o)
    Chromosome c = (Chromosome) o;
    int num = countOnes(this.bitString) - countOnes(c.getBitString());
    return num;

public double getFitness()
    String working = bitString;
    int x1 = Integer.parseInt(working.substring(0,6),2);
    int x2 = Integer.parseInt(working.substring(6),2);
    double result = ScratchGA.functionTest(x1,x2);
    double percentDiff =  ((ScratchGA.getDesired() - result)/ScratchGA.getDesired())*100;
    if (percentDiff >= 0)
    return percentDiff;
    return -percentDiff;

public boolean equals(Object o)
    if(o instanceof Chromosome)
        Chromosome c = (Chromosome) o;
        return c.getBitString().equals(bitString);
    return false;

public int hashCode()
    return bitString.hashCode();

public String toString()
    return bitString;

public static int countOnes(String bits)
    int sum = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < bits.length(); ++ i){
        String test = bits.substring(i, i+1);
            sum = sum + 1;
    return sum;

public static String convertIntToBitString(int val, int length)
    int reval = val;

    StringBuffer bitString = new StringBuffer(length);
    for(int i = length-1; i >=0; --i ){
        if( reval - (Math.pow(2, i)) >= 0 ){
            reval = (int) (reval - Math.pow(2, i));
    return bitString.toString();

public static void main(String[] args
    //System.out.println(convertIntToBitString(2046, 10));
    Chromosome c = new Chromosome(1234, 10);
¿Fue útil?


En realidad, fue un simple error que se me escapó y que debería haber detectado.El problema principal estaba en el uso de return (3*x)^(2*y);^ es un XOR bit a bit en Java, pero un exponente.(Ups) El problema se solucionó usando Math.pow(3*x,2*y);...y una pequeña verificación doble de la función de fitness la puso en funcionamiento con algunos otros cambios menores :)

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