
I'd like to implement in-app billing in my Xamarin.Android app, and have added IInAppBillingService.aidl to my project, which generates IInAppBillingService.cs. When I try to build the app, I get the following error:

IInAppBillingService.cs(59,59): Error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'BundleStub' does not exist in the namespace 'Android.OS'. Are you missing an assembly reference?

I can't find any information about this error and the Xamarin forums have been silent about it. I assume, like the error message says, that I just need to add an assembly reference, but I have no idea what assembly I'm missing. Has anyone gotten this to work?

EDIT: Here is the file generated by Xamarin Studio, if there's no such thing as BundleStub then why is it referenced 4 times (lines 75, 204, 231, 257)?

// This file is automatically generated and not supposed to be modified.
using System;
using Boolean = System.Boolean;
using String = System.String;
using List = Android.Runtime.JavaList;
using Map = Android.Runtime.JavaDictionary;
using Android.OS;

namespace Com.Android.Vending.Billing
    public interface IInAppBillingService : global::Android.OS.IInterface
        int IsBillingSupported (int apiVersion, String packageName, String type);
        global::Android.OS.Bundle GetSkuDetails (int apiVersion, String packageName, String type, global::Android.OS.Bundle skusBundle);
        global::Android.OS.Bundle GetBuyIntent (int apiVersion, String packageName, String sku, String type, String developerPayload);
        global::Android.OS.Bundle GetPurchases (int apiVersion, String packageName, String type, String continuationToken);
        int ConsumePurchase (int apiVersion, String packageName, String purchaseToken);

    public abstract class IInAppBillingServiceStub : global::Android.OS.Binder, global::Android.OS.IInterface, Com.Android.Vending.Billing.IInAppBillingService
        const string descriptor = "";
        public IInAppBillingServiceStub ()
            this.AttachInterface (this, descriptor);

        public static Com.Android.Vending.Billing.IInAppBillingService AsInterface (global::Android.OS.IBinder obj)
            if (obj == null)
                return null;
            var iin = (global::Android.OS.IInterface) obj.QueryLocalInterface (descriptor);
            if (iin != null && iin is Com.Android.Vending.Billing.IInAppBillingService)
                return (Com.Android.Vending.Billing.IInAppBillingService) iin;
            return new Proxy (obj);

        public global::Android.OS.IBinder AsBinder ()
            return this;

        protected override bool OnTransact (int code, global::Android.OS.Parcel data, global::Android.OS.Parcel reply, int flags)
            switch (code) {
            case global::Android.OS.BinderConsts.InterfaceTransaction:
                reply.WriteString (descriptor);
                return true;

            case TransactionIsBillingSupported: {
                data.EnforceInterface (descriptor);
                int arg0 = default (int);
                arg0 = data.ReadInt ();
                String arg1 = default (String);
                arg1 = data.ReadString ();
                String arg2 = default (String);
                arg2 = data.ReadString ();
                var result = this.IsBillingSupported (arg0, arg1, arg2);
                reply.WriteInt (result);
                data.WriteInt (arg0);
                data.WriteString (arg1);
                data.WriteString (arg2);
                return true;

            case TransactionGetSkuDetails: {
                data.EnforceInterface (descriptor);
                int arg0 = default (int);
                arg0 = data.ReadInt ();
                String arg1 = default (String);
                arg1 = data.ReadString ();
                String arg2 = default (String);
                arg2 = data.ReadString ();
                global::Android.OS.Bundle arg3 = default (global::Android.OS.Bundle);
                arg3 = global::Android.OS.BundleStub.AsInterface (data.ReadStrongBinder ());
                var result = this.GetSkuDetails (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
                if (result != null) { reply.WriteInt (1); result.WriteToParcel (reply, global::Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags.ReturnValue); } else reply.WriteInt (0);
                data.WriteInt (arg0);
                data.WriteString (arg1);
                data.WriteString (arg2);
                return true;

            case TransactionGetBuyIntent: {
                data.EnforceInterface (descriptor);
                int arg0 = default (int);
                arg0 = data.ReadInt ();
                String arg1 = default (String);
                arg1 = data.ReadString ();
                String arg2 = default (String);
                arg2 = data.ReadString ();
                String arg3 = default (String);
                arg3 = data.ReadString ();
                String arg4 = default (String);
                arg4 = data.ReadString ();
                var result = this.GetBuyIntent (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
                if (result != null) { reply.WriteInt (1); result.WriteToParcel (reply, global::Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags.ReturnValue); } else reply.WriteInt (0);
                data.WriteInt (arg0);
                data.WriteString (arg1);
                data.WriteString (arg2);
                data.WriteString (arg3);
                data.WriteString (arg4);
                return true;

            case TransactionGetPurchases: {
                data.EnforceInterface (descriptor);
                int arg0 = default (int);
                arg0 = data.ReadInt ();
                String arg1 = default (String);
                arg1 = data.ReadString ();
                String arg2 = default (String);
                arg2 = data.ReadString ();
                String arg3 = default (String);
                arg3 = data.ReadString ();
                var result = this.GetPurchases (arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
                if (result != null) { reply.WriteInt (1); result.WriteToParcel (reply, global::Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags.ReturnValue); } else reply.WriteInt (0);
                data.WriteInt (arg0);
                data.WriteString (arg1);
                data.WriteString (arg2);
                data.WriteString (arg3);
                return true;

            case TransactionConsumePurchase: {
                data.EnforceInterface (descriptor);
                int arg0 = default (int);
                arg0 = data.ReadInt ();
                String arg1 = default (String);
                arg1 = data.ReadString ();
                String arg2 = default (String);
                arg2 = data.ReadString ();
                var result = this.ConsumePurchase (arg0, arg1, arg2);
                reply.WriteInt (result);
                data.WriteInt (arg0);
                data.WriteString (arg1);
                data.WriteString (arg2);
                return true;

            return base.OnTransact (code, data, reply, flags);

        public class Proxy : Java.Lang.Object, Com.Android.Vending.Billing.IInAppBillingService
            global::Android.OS.IBinder remote;

            public Proxy (global::Android.OS.IBinder remote)
                this.remote = remote;

            public global::Android.OS.IBinder AsBinder ()
                return remote;

            public string GetInterfaceDescriptor ()
                return descriptor;

            public int IsBillingSupported (int apiVersion, String packageName, String type)
                global::Android.OS.Parcel __data = global::Android.OS.Parcel.Obtain ();

                global::Android.OS.Parcel __reply = global::Android.OS.Parcel.Obtain ();
int __result = default (int);

                try {
                    __data.WriteInterfaceToken (descriptor);
                    __data.WriteInt (apiVersion);
                    __data.WriteString (packageName);
                    __data.WriteString (type);
                    remote.Transact (IInAppBillingServiceStub.TransactionIsBillingSupported, __data, __reply, 0);
                    __reply.ReadException ();
                    __result = __reply.ReadInt ();

                } finally {
                    __reply.Recycle ();
                    __data.Recycle ();
                return __result;


            public global::Android.OS.Bundle GetSkuDetails (int apiVersion, String packageName, String type, global::Android.OS.Bundle skusBundle)
                global::Android.OS.Parcel __data = global::Android.OS.Parcel.Obtain ();

                global::Android.OS.Parcel __reply = global::Android.OS.Parcel.Obtain ();
global::Android.OS.Bundle __result = default (global::Android.OS.Bundle);

                try {
                    __data.WriteInterfaceToken (descriptor);
                    __data.WriteInt (apiVersion);
                    __data.WriteString (packageName);
                    __data.WriteString (type);
                    if (skusBundle != null) { __data.WriteInt (1); skusBundle.WriteToParcel (__data, global::Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags.None); } else __data.WriteInt (0);
                    remote.Transact (IInAppBillingServiceStub.TransactionGetSkuDetails, __data, __reply, 0);
                    __reply.ReadException ();
                    __result = global::Android.OS.BundleStub.AsInterface (__reply.ReadStrongBinder ());

                } finally {
                    __reply.Recycle ();
                    __data.Recycle ();
                return __result;


            public global::Android.OS.Bundle GetBuyIntent (int apiVersion, String packageName, String sku, String type, String developerPayload)
                global::Android.OS.Parcel __data = global::Android.OS.Parcel.Obtain ();

                global::Android.OS.Parcel __reply = global::Android.OS.Parcel.Obtain ();
global::Android.OS.Bundle __result = default (global::Android.OS.Bundle);

                try {
                    __data.WriteInterfaceToken (descriptor);
                    __data.WriteInt (apiVersion);
                    __data.WriteString (packageName);
                    __data.WriteString (sku);
                    __data.WriteString (type);
                    __data.WriteString (developerPayload);
                    remote.Transact (IInAppBillingServiceStub.TransactionGetBuyIntent, __data, __reply, 0);
                    __reply.ReadException ();
                    __result = global::Android.OS.BundleStub.AsInterface (__reply.ReadStrongBinder ());

                } finally {
                    __reply.Recycle ();
                    __data.Recycle ();
                return __result;


            public global::Android.OS.Bundle GetPurchases (int apiVersion, String packageName, String type, String continuationToken)
                global::Android.OS.Parcel __data = global::Android.OS.Parcel.Obtain ();

                global::Android.OS.Parcel __reply = global::Android.OS.Parcel.Obtain ();
global::Android.OS.Bundle __result = default (global::Android.OS.Bundle);

                try {
                    __data.WriteInterfaceToken (descriptor);
                    __data.WriteInt (apiVersion);
                    __data.WriteString (packageName);
                    __data.WriteString (type);
                    __data.WriteString (continuationToken);
                    remote.Transact (IInAppBillingServiceStub.TransactionGetPurchases, __data, __reply, 0);
                    __reply.ReadException ();
                    __result = global::Android.OS.BundleStub.AsInterface (__reply.ReadStrongBinder ());

                } finally {
                    __reply.Recycle ();
                    __data.Recycle ();
                return __result;


            public int ConsumePurchase (int apiVersion, String packageName, String purchaseToken)
                global::Android.OS.Parcel __data = global::Android.OS.Parcel.Obtain ();

                global::Android.OS.Parcel __reply = global::Android.OS.Parcel.Obtain ();
int __result = default (int);

                try {
                    __data.WriteInterfaceToken (descriptor);
                    __data.WriteInt (apiVersion);
                    __data.WriteString (packageName);
                    __data.WriteString (purchaseToken);
                    remote.Transact (IInAppBillingServiceStub.TransactionConsumePurchase, __data, __reply, 0);
                    __reply.ReadException ();
                    __result = __reply.ReadInt ();

                } finally {
                    __reply.Recycle ();
                    __data.Recycle ();
                return __result;



        internal const int TransactionIsBillingSupported = global::Android.OS.Binder.InterfaceConsts.FirstCallTransaction + 0;

        internal const int TransactionGetSkuDetails = global::Android.OS.Binder.InterfaceConsts.FirstCallTransaction + 1;

        internal const int TransactionGetBuyIntent = global::Android.OS.Binder.InterfaceConsts.FirstCallTransaction + 2;

        internal const int TransactionGetPurchases = global::Android.OS.Binder.InterfaceConsts.FirstCallTransaction + 3;

        internal const int TransactionConsumePurchase = global::Android.OS.Binder.InterfaceConsts.FirstCallTransaction + 4;

        public abstract int IsBillingSupported (int apiVersion, String packageName, String type);

        public abstract global::Android.OS.Bundle GetSkuDetails (int apiVersion, String packageName, String type, global::Android.OS.Bundle skusBundle);

        public abstract global::Android.OS.Bundle GetBuyIntent (int apiVersion, String packageName, String sku, String type, String developerPayload);

        public abstract global::Android.OS.Bundle GetPurchases (int apiVersion, String packageName, String type, String continuationToken);

        public abstract int ConsumePurchase (int apiVersion, String packageName, String purchaseToken);

¿Fue útil?


Try adding bundle.aidl

You can look at seems to be a good example on how to implement in app billing in Xamarin for Android

Otros consejos

There is no such thing as Android.OS.BundleStub whether we talk Xamarin API or native Android API.

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