
Estoy tratando de entender cómo podría analizar el binario por 4 bits si es posible.

Por ejemplo:Tengo códigos de 2 bytes que deben analizarse para determinar qué instrucción usar

#{1NNN} donde los primeros 4 bits indican dónde qué instrucción, y NNN representa una ubicación de memoria (es decir, #{1033} dice saltar a la dirección de memoria #{0033}

Parece fácil hacer esto con bytes completos, pero no con medios bytes:

parse #{1022} [#{10} {#22}] 

porque #{1} no es válido binary!

Hasta ahora, he usado declaraciones de cambio gigantes con: #{1033} AND #{F000} = #{1000} para procesarlos, pero me pregunto cómo podría hacerlo un reboler más maduro.

¿Fue útil?


Esta es una entrada bastante grande, pero aborda sus necesidades y muestra un poco PARSE.

Esta es básicamente una máquina virtual funcional, aunque simple, que utiliza el diseño de memoria que usted describió anteriormente.

Configuré un bloque simple de RAM que es un programa real que se ejecuta cuando uso PARSE con la regla gramatical del emulador...Básicamente, incrementa una dirección y luego salta a esa dirección, omitiendo un NOP.

luego realiza alguna operación ilegal y muere.

    title:  "simple VM using Parse, from scratch, using no external libraries"
    author: "Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch"
    date:    2013-11-15

; builds a bitset with all low-order bits of a byte set, 
; so only the high bits have any weight
quaternary: func [value][
    bs: make bitset! 
    reduce [
        to-char (value * 16)
        to-char ((value * 16) + 15)

; get the 12 least significant bits of a 16 bit value
LSB-12: func [address [string! binary!] ][
    as-binary (address AND #{0FFF})

i32-to-binary: func [
    n [integer!] 
    n: load join "#{" [form to-hex to-integer n "}"]
    either rev [head reverse n][n]

; load value at given address. (doesn't clear the opcode).
LVAL: func [addr [binary!]][
    to-integer copy/part at RAM ( (to-integer addr) + 1) 2

; implement the opcodes which are executed by the CPU
JMP: func [addr][
    print ["jumping to " addr]
    continue: at RAM ((to-integer addr) + 1) ; 0 based address but 1 based indexing ;-)

INC: func [addr][
    print ["increment value at address: " addr]
    new-val: 1 + LVAL addr
    addr: 1 + to-integer addr
    bin-val: at (i32-to-binary new-val) 3
    change at RAM addr bin-val

DEC: func [addr][
    print ["decrement value at address: " addr]

NOP: func [addr][
    print "skipping Nop opcode"

; build the bitsets to match op codes
op1: quaternary 1
op2: quaternary 2
op3: quaternary 3
op4: quaternary 4

; build up our CPU emulator grammar
emulator: [ 
    some [
            [ op1 (op: 'JMP)  | op2 (op: 'INC)  | op3 (op: 'DEC)  | op4 (op: 'NOP)] ; choose op code

            copy addr 2 skip (addr: LSB-12 addr) ; get unary op data
            (do reduce [op addr])
        | 2 skip (
            print ["^/^/^/ERROR:  illegal opcode AT: " to-binary here " offset[" -1 + index? here "]"] ; graceful crash!

; generate a bit of binary RAM for our emulator/VM to run...

       0   2   4   6   8    ; note ... don't need comments, Rebol just skips them.
RAM: #{2002100540FF30015FFF}
RAM-blowup: { 2 002  1 005  4 0FF  3 001  5 FFF } ; just to make it easier to trace op & data

parse/all RAM emulator

print  "^/^/Yes that error is on purpose, I added the 5FFF bytes^/in the 'RAM' just to trigger it  :-)^/"

print "notice that it doesn't run the NOP (at address #0006), ^/since we used the JMP opcode to jump over it.^/"

print "also notice that the first instruction is an increment ^/for the address which is jumped (which is misaligned on 'boot')^/"

ask "press enter to continue"

la salida es la siguiente:

increment value at address:  #{0002}
jumping to  #{0006}
decrement value at address:  #{0001}

ERROR:  illegal opcode AT:  #{5FFF}  offset[ 8 ]

Yes that error is on purpose, I added the 5FFF bytes
in the 'RAM' just to trigger it  :-)

notice that it doesn't run the NOP (at address #0006),
since we used the JMP opcode to jump over it.

also notice that the first instruction is an increment
for the address which is jumped (which is misaligned on 'boot')

press enter to continue
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