
Tengo problemas para que mi SQLite funcione correctamente en esta aplicación de Android que estoy desarrollando.Parece que la tabla no se está creando correctamente según los mensajes de LogCat.Siento que he estado mirando la pantalla demasiado tiempo.¿Alguien aquí puede detectar el problema en mi código?

import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
import android.util.Log;

public class DBHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    // table name
    public static final String TABLE_JOKES = "jokes";

    // database field names
    public static final String COLUMN_ID = "_id";
    public static final String COLUMN_CATEGORY = "category";
    public static final String COLUMN_SUBCATEGORY = "subcategory";
    public static final String COLUMN_JOKE_TYPE = "jokeType";
    public static final String COLUMN_DESCRIPTION = "description";
    public static final String COLUMN_QUESTION_TEXT = "questionText";
    public static final String COLUMN_ANSWER_TEXT = "answerText";
    public static final String COLUMN_MONOLOGUE_TEXT = "monologueText";
    public static final String COLUMN_RATING_SCALE = "ratingScale";
    public static final String COLUMN_COMMENTS = "comments";
    public static final String COLUMN_JOKE_SOURCE = "jokeSource";
    public static final String COLUMN_RELEASE_STATUS = "releaseStatus";
    public static final String COLUMN_CREATED = "created";
    public static final String COLUMN_MODIFIED = "modified";

    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "jokes.db"; // file name
    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;

    // Database creation raw SQL statement
    private static final String DATABASE_CREATE = "create table " + TABLE_JOKES
            + "( " + COLUMN_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
            + COLUMN_CATEGORY + " text not null, " + COLUMN_SUBCATEGORY
            + " text not null, " + COLUMN_JOKE_TYPE + " integer not null, "
            + COLUMN_DESCRIPTION + " text," + COLUMN_QUESTION_TEXT + "text,"
            + COLUMN_ANSWER_TEXT + "text," + COLUMN_MONOLOGUE_TEXT + "text,"
            + COLUMN_RATING_SCALE + "integer," + COLUMN_COMMENTS + "text,"
            + COLUMN_JOKE_SOURCE + "text," + COLUMN_RELEASE_STATUS + "integer,"
            + COLUMN_CREATED + "text," + COLUMN_MODIFIED + "text" + ");";

    // static instance to share DBHelper
    private static DBHelper dbHelper = null;
    private SQLiteDatabase db ;

     * Constructor
     * @param context
     * @param name
     * @param factory
     * @param version
    public DBHelper(Context context) {
        super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
        db = getWritableDatabase();

     * This is a static method that makes sure that only one database helper
     * exists across the app's lifecycle
     * @param context
     * @return
    public static DBHelper getDBHelper(Context context) {
        if (dbHelper == null) {
            dbHelper = new DBHelper(context.getApplicationContext());
        return dbHelper;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper#onCreate(android.database.sqlite
     * .SQLiteDatabase)
    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase database) {

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see
     * android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper#onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite
     * .SQLiteDatabase, int, int)
    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase database, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        Log.w(DBHelper.class.getName(), "Upgrading database from version "
                + oldVersion + " to " + newVersion);

     * CRUD - Update
     * @param category
     * @param subcategory
     * @param jokeType
     * @param description
     * @param questionText
     * @param answerText
     * @param monologueText
     * @param comments
     * @param jokeSource
     * @param ratingScale
     * @param releaseStatus
     * @return
    public long insertNewJoke(String category, String subcategory,
            int jokeType, String description, String questionText,
            String answerText, String monologueText, String comments,
            String jokeSource, int ratingScale, int releaseStatus) {
        ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
        cv.put(COLUMN_CATEGORY, category);
        cv.put(COLUMN_SUBCATEGORY, subcategory);
        cv.put(COLUMN_JOKE_TYPE, jokeType);
        cv.put(COLUMN_DESCRIPTION, description);
        cv.put(COLUMN_QUESTION_TEXT, questionText);
        cv.put(COLUMN_ANSWER_TEXT, answerText);
        cv.put(COLUMN_MONOLOGUE_TEXT, monologueText);
        cv.put(COLUMN_COMMENTS, comments);
        cv.put(COLUMN_JOKE_SOURCE, jokeSource);
        cv.put(COLUMN_RATING_SCALE, ratingScale);
        cv.put(COLUMN_RELEASE_STATUS, releaseStatus);
        cv.put(COLUMN_CREATED, ""); // how to put date??
        cv.put(COLUMN_CREATED, "");

        long code = getWritableDatabase().insert(TABLE_JOKES, null, cv);
        return code;

     * CRUD - Retrieve
     * @return
    public Cursor getJokes() {
        String[] columns = { COLUMN_CATEGORY, COLUMN_SUBCATEGORY,
                COLUMN_MODIFIED }; // might need the _id column
        return getWritableDatabase().query(TABLE_JOKES, columns, null, null,
                null, null, null);

     * CRUD - Delete
     * @param id
    public void deleteJoke(int id) {
        getWritableDatabase().delete(TABLE_JOKES, COLUMN_ID + "=?",
                new String[] { String.valueOf(id) });


Entonces, en onCreate() (en mi MainActivity) intento insertar un nuevo registro en la base de datos y luego intento recuperarlo en un cursor.Sin embargo, parece quedar atrapado en la declaración de inserción.

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // the projection (fields from the database that we want to use)
        String from[] = { DBHelper.COLUMN_DESCRIPTION };
        // matching fields on the layout to be used with the adapter
        int to[] = { };


        lv = (ListView) findViewById(;
        dbHelper = DBHelper.getDBHelper(this);

        long code = dbHelper.insertNewJoke("Holiday", "", 2, "Joke 1 Description", "", "",
                "joke", "", "", 5, 1);

        if (code != -1)
        cursor = dbHelper.getJokes();

Aquí está el resultado de LogCat:

11-15 15:19:08.040: I/Choreographer(1016): Skipped 45 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
11-15 15:19:35.358: D/dalvikvm(1064): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 58K, 4% free 2726K/2836K, paused 42ms, total 45ms
11-15 15:19:35.368: I/dalvikvm-heap(1064): Grow heap (frag case) to 3.315MB for 635812-byte allocation
11-15 15:19:35.438: D/dalvikvm(1064): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2K, 4% free 3344K/3460K, paused 63ms, total 63ms
11-15 15:19:35.548: E/SQLiteLog(1064): (1) table jokes has no column named releaseStatus
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064): Error inserting category=Holiday releaseStatus=1 jokeType=2 created= monologueText=joke description=Joke 1 Description subcategory= answerText= questionText= jokeSource= ratingScale=5 comments=
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: table jokes has no column named releaseStatus (code 1): , while compiling: INSERT INTO jokes(category,releaseStatus,jokeType,created,monologueText,description,subcategory,answerText,questionText,jokeSource,ratingScale,comments) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativePrepareStatement(Native Method)
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.acquirePreparedStatement(
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.prepare(
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.prepare(
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteProgram.<init>(
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.<init>(
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertWithOnConflict(
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insert(
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at$600(
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at$H.handleMessage(
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at android.os.Looper.loop(
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at$
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at
11-15 15:19:35.568: E/SQLiteDatabase(1064):     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
11-15 15:19:35.798: I/Choreographer(1064): Skipped 42 frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
11-15 15:19:35.868: D/gralloc_goldfish(1064): Emulator without GPU emulation detected.

Gracias por echar un vistazo.

¿Fue útil?


De un vistazo rápido, su código se ve bien.La excepción:

    android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: table jokes has no column named releaseStatus (code 1)

Parece erróneo porque claramente estás creando el releaseStatus columna en su tabla de creación DATABASE_CREATE Cadena.Me encontré con un problema donde estaba modificando el esquema de mi base de datos y los cambios no surtían efecto en mi aplicación porque no estaba incrementando el DATABASE_VERSION.

Las opciones que puede probar y que harán que se vuelva a crear la base de datos son:

  1. Borre los datos de las aplicaciones a través de la aplicación Configuración
  2. Desinstale manualmente y luego reinstale su aplicación.(Solo corriendo gradle installDebug o que Eclipse instale su aplicación no es suficiente)
  3. Incrementa tu DATABASE_VERSION valor

Otros consejos

Yo diría que necesita un espacio en la Declaración Crear. Inicio: column_question_text + "texto" en column_question_text + "texto".

Se parece al que no tiene espacios entre los nombres de las columnas y los tipos de columnas.Prueba esto.

    private static final String DATABASE_CREATE = "create table " + TABLE_JOKES
        + "( " + COLUMN_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
        + COLUMN_CATEGORY + " text not null, " + COLUMN_SUBCATEGORY
        + " text not null, " + COLUMN_JOKE_TYPE + " integer not null, "
        + COLUMN_DESCRIPTION + " text," + COLUMN_QUESTION_TEXT + " text,"
        + COLUMN_ANSWER_TEXT + " text," + COLUMN_MONOLOGUE_TEXT + " text,"
        + COLUMN_RATING_SCALE + " integer," + COLUMN_COMMENTS + " text,"
        + COLUMN_JOKE_SOURCE + " text," + COLUMN_RELEASE_STATUS + " integer,"
        + COLUMN_CREATED + " text," + COLUMN_MODIFIED + " text" + ");";

En la base de datos Cree un error "entero", + comentarios de columnas + "texto".No hay espacio separado.

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