NetLogo cómo generar aleatoriamente las tortugas en las esquinas y zona centro del mundo


  •  21-12-2019
  •  | 


Así que me estoy creando un marrón frontera de el mundo, de manera que el robot buscando el marchitamiento de las flores no ir fuera de la zona.Sin embargo, cuando me generan las tortugas (las flores), que a veces se generan en la frontera, donde el robot no puede navegar por el agua de ellos.....alguna idea de cómo tal vez modificar el rand-xy-co para hacer que las plantas de manera que no se generan en el límite.

Tengo el leaves se creó así:

; creating plants (leaves)
to setup-leaves
create-leaves num-plants [  ; number of plants can vary
rand-xy-co                 ; set random positions for the plants
set shape "flower"         ; initialize the plant to color red and size 2
set color red
set size 2

límite se establece así:

;set boundary obstacles. These patches tell the robot to stay within identified bounds.
 ask patches                                
    set pcolor background-colour             ; set colour of background
    if (pxcor >= max-pxcor - boundary-width) ; boundary width can vary
      [ set pcolor brown ]
    if (pxcor <= min-pxcor + boundary-width)
      [ set pcolor brown ]
    if (pycor >= max-pycor - boundary-width)
      [ set pcolor brown ]
    if (pycor <= min-pycor + boundary-width)
      [ set pcolor brown ]

El rand-xy-co:

; Utilities. Positions a new turtle randomly on the grid, taking care not to 
;place it on top of another turtle
to rand-xy-co
  let x 0
  let y 0

  loop [ 
    set x random-pxcor 
    set y random-pycor
    if not any? turtles-on patch x y and not (abs x < 4 and abs y < 4) [setxy x y stop]

El código completo de este proyecto:

; Plant Water and Nutrient Distribution Agent
; Simulates a plant water distribution robot that avoids obstacles and waters plants in the environment
; using simple reactive behaviour.

;TODO: send agent at base when battery life <10% or after all plants are done watering
;initialize robot's position at base
;make sure plants aren't created on the boundary of the house

breed [robots robot]       ; Name of the breed of plant robots
breed [leaves leaf]        ; Name of the breed of plants in need of water
breed [ watered water-1]   ; Name of the breed of watered plants

  background-colour ; colour of the background except for obstacles
  obstacles-colour  ; colour of the obstacles
  robot-colour      ; colour of the robot
  clock             ; tracking time
  watered-plants    ; plants watered
  distance-traveled ; distance traveled by the robot
  battery-life      ; battery life left
  water-poured      ; how much water has been used


to setup
  ;clear all
  set-default-shape robots "ufo side" ; sets shapes for agent
  set background-colour green + 3 ; set colour of background light green
  set obstacles-colour brown ; set colour of obstacles brown
  setup-leaves ;add plants to the world
  set robot-colour gray ; set colour of robot to gray

  set clock 0 ;initialize time
  set distance-traveled 0 ;initialize distance
  set battery-life 100 ;initialize battery life to 100%
  set water-poured 0 ;initialize water used to 0

  ;set boundary obstacles. These patches tell the robot to stay within identified bounds.
  ask patches                                
    set pcolor background-colour             ; set colour of background
    if (pxcor >= max-pxcor - boundary-width) ; boundary width can vary
      [ set pcolor brown ]
    if (pxcor <= min-pxcor + boundary-width)
      [ set pcolor brown ]
    if (pycor >= max-pycor - boundary-width)
      [ set pcolor brown ]
    if (pycor <= min-pycor + boundary-width)
      [ set pcolor brown ]

  ; creates colour, size and random location of single robot 
  create-robots 1
    set size robot-size
    set color robot-colour
    let this-patch one-of patches with [pcolor != obstacles-colour]  ; sets an initial random position within the outside boundary
    set xcor [pxcor] of this-patch
    set ycor [pycor] of this-patch

; creating plants (leaves)
to setup-leaves
  create-leaves num-plants [  ; number of plants can vary
  rand-xy-co                 ; set random positions for the plants
  set shape "flower"         ; initialize the plant to color red and size 2
  set color red
  set size 2

;detecting a plant (leaf)
to-report detect-leaf
  ifelse any? leaves-here 
    [report true]           ; set as true if plant breed is detected
    [report false]

;watering a leaf (plant)
to water-leaf
  set watered-plants watered-plants + 1  ;when a plant is watered, increase counter by 1
  set water-poured  watered-plants * ((4 * (100 - soil-moisture)) / 50) ; when plant is watered, increase water-poured counter
                                                                        ; this formula is based on the average amount of water a houseplant needs >> 4 oz at 50% soil moisture
  set clock clock + 10                                                  ; add 10 ticks to the clock when watering plants since the robot has to spend time to water
  set battery-life battery-life - 5                                     ; 5% of battery life is spent for each plant watered
  ask one-of leaves-here [                                              ; mark breed as watered when plant is watered; change flower color to yellow
    set breed watered
    set shape "flower"
    set color yellow
    set size 3                                                          ;increase the size of the flower (grown)

; This defines how the robot should move.
to make-move                                                         
  if battery-life <= 0 [stop]                                          ; robot cannot run if it doesn't have any battery life
   ;This behaviour is modified from the Look Ahead Example model in the Models Library
   let this-patch patch-ahead 1
      if detect-leaf [water-leaf stop]
         ifelse (this-patch != nobody) and ([pcolor] of this-patch = obstacles-colour)
            [ lt random-float 360 ]                                   ; We see an obstacle patch in front of us. Turn a random amount.
            [ fd 1 ]                                                  ; Otherwise, it is safe to move forward.
        set distance-traveled distance-traveled + 1                   ; every step increases distance-traveled counter by 1

;Procedure when the button Go is pressed
to go
;The robot moves around.
  if count leaves = 0 [stop]                                         ;stop when all leaves are watered
  set clock clock + 1                                                ;update time
  ;wait .05                                                          ; wait for better viewing  
  set battery-life 100 - (distance-traveled / 900)                   ; battery life varies based on distance traveled 
  ask robots [without-interruption [make-move]]                      ;robots move
  update-and-plot                                                    ;update the graphs         

;plot velocity graph
to update-and-plot-velocity
  set-current-plot "Velocity"
  plotxy distance-traveled clock

;plot water usage graph
to update-and-plot-water-usage
  set-current-plot "Water Usage"
  plotxy water-poured watered-plants

;plot energy usage graph
to update-and-plot-energy-usage
  set-current-plot "Energy Usage"
  plotxy  clock (100 - battery-life)

;plot watered plants graph
to update-and-plot-watered-plants
  set-current-plot "Watered Plants"
  plotxy clock watered-plants

;plot wilting plants graph
to update-and-plot-wilting-plants
  set-current-plot "Wilting Plants"
  plotxy clock count leaves

;call all the graphs
to update-and-plot

; Creates obstacles in the environment by drawing them on the world
to make-obstacles
 if mouse-down?
 [ ask patches
   [ if ((abs (pxcor - mouse-xcor)) < 1) and ((abs (pycor - mouse-ycor)) < 1)
     [set pcolor obstacles-colour]]

; Removes obtacles in the environment.
to erase-obstacles
  if mouse-down?
 [ ask patches
   [ if ((abs (pxcor - mouse-xcor)) < 1) and ((abs (pycor - mouse-ycor)) < 1)
     [set pcolor background-colour]]

; Detecting obstacles 
; Obstacles are obstacles and other agents.
to-report detect-obstacle
ifelse any? patches in-cone 2 90 with [pcolor = brown] or any? other robots in-cone 2 90 
 [report true]
 [report false]

; The robot avoids any obstacles in the environment.   
;to avoid-obstacles
  ;if (count patches in-cone radius-length radius-angle with [pcolor = obstacles-colour] > 0)  ; there is an obstacle nearby
    ;set heading heading + random 45 - random 45

; This instructs the agent to move the pen up if it is down, or vice versa.
to plot-paths
  ifelse (pen-mode = "up")
    [ pen-down ]
    [ pen-up ]

; Utilities. Positions a new turtle randomly on the grid, taking care not to 
;place it on top of another turtle
to rand-xy-co
  let x 0
  let y 0

  loop [ 
    set x random-pxcor 
    set y random-pycor
    if not any? turtles-on patch x y and not (abs x < 4 and abs y < 4) [setxy x y stop]

;Team 6 has modified the Vacuum Cleaner Robot NetLogo model to fit the needs of this project
; Copyright 2009 by Thomas Christy and William John Teahan.  All rights reserved.
; Permission to use, modify or redistribute this model is hereby granted,
; provided that both of the following requirements are followed:
; a) this copyright notice is included.
; b) this model will not be redistributed for profit without permission
;    from William John Teahan.
; Contact William John Teahan for appropriate licenses for redistribution for
; profit.
; To refer to this model in publications, please use:
; Vacuum Cleaner Robot NetLogo model.
; Artificial Intelligence. Teahan, W. J. (2010). Ventus Publishing Aps.
¿Fue útil?


La manera más fácil de hacer esto es simplemente crear las flores sólo en la no-manchas blancas:

to rand-xy-co
  move-to one-of patches with [ pcolor != brown and not any? turtles-here ]

Pero asegúrese de que establece el color de los parches antes de llamar setup-leaves.

Licenciado bajo: CC-BY-SA con atribución
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