
I'm trying to insert new record in openbravo through advanced rest client, but I'm getting this error: Exception when updating BusinessPartner(null).

For POST, I'm using the following URL:

My key/values data are like this:

data : 
_identifier: "carsss",
_entityName: "BusinessPartner",
$ref: "BusinessPartner/6C8417D0C2FA4B8B858CBF51C742F65B",
id: "6C8417D0C2FA4B8B858CBF51C742F65B",
client: "D5B4A1DF0C194F65930BB8945A8B3082",
client$_identifier: "DemoClient",
organization: "DC280AA41A5E479AB663B1D4DB6158C0",
organization$_identifier: "Purchase",
active: true,
creationDate: "2013-12-06T07:24:04+00:00",
createdBy: "E1A6A414BED14417B7235CBFDF00977C",
createdBy$_identifier: "DemoClient",
updated: "2013-12-19T04:32:17+00:00",
updatedBy: "E1A6A414BED14417B7235CBFDF00977C",
updatedBy$_identifier: "DemoClient",
searchKey: "customer",
name: "carsss",
name2: "carsss",
description: "This is cars",
summaryLevel: false,
businessPartnerCategory: "0109E0660DD349D6B00D96BF0CEAE6E2",
businessPartnerCategory$_identifier: "Customer",
oneTimeTransaction: false,
potentialCustomer: false,
vendor: false,
customer: true,
employee: false,
isSalesRepresentative: false,
referenceNo: null,
dUNS: null,
uRL: null,
language: "en_US",
language$_identifier: "English (USA)",
taxID: null,
taxExempt: false,
invoiceSchedule: null,
valuation: null,
volumeOfSales: null,
noOfEmployees: null,
nAICSSIC: null,
dateOfFirstSale: null,
acquisitionCost: 0,
expectedLifetimeRevenue: 0,
lifetimeRevenueToDate: 0,
share: null,
formOfPayment: null,
creditLimit: 1000,
creditUsed: 0,
paymentTerms: "A182B5EC1898407FA386ED4775ED6DDA",
paymentTerms$_identifier: "Immediate",
priceList: "DA10C6659DBE408B9789A01AF3CA7015",
priceList$_identifier: "Sales Price List",
printDiscount: false,
orderDescription: null,
orderReference: null,
pOFormOfPayment: null,
purchasePricelist: null,
pOPaymentTerms: null,
numberOfCopies: null,
greeting: null,
invoiceTerms: "I",
deliveryTerms: null,
deliveryMethod: null,
salesRepresentative: null,
partnerParent: null,
creditStatus: "O",
forcedOrg: null,
pricesShownInOrder: true,
invoiceGrouping: "000000000000000",
maturityDate1: null,
maturityDate2: null,
maturityDate3: null,
operator: false,
uPCEAN: null,
salaryCategory: null,
invoicePrintformat: null,
consumptionDays: 1000,
bankAccount: null,
taxCategory: null,
pOMaturityDate1: null,
pOMaturityDate2: null,
pOMaturityDate3: null,
transactionalBankAccount: null,
sOBPTaxCategory: null,
fiscalcode: null,
isofiscalcode: null,
incotermsPO: null,
incotermsSO: null,
paymentMethod: "8A18E79688DD4A179F2FDC14FBECED55",
paymentMethod$_identifier: "Check",
pOPaymentMethod: null,
account: "91E5EB8BECBF49BAA3391942D6328640",
account$_identifier: "BOA",
pOFinancialAccount: null,
customerBlocking: true,
vendorBlocking: false,
paymentIn: false,
paymentOut: true,
salesInvoice: true,
purchaseInvoice: true,
salesOrder: true,
purchaseOrder: true,
goodsShipment: true,
goodsReceipt: false,
recordTime: 1393321917803

Could someone please guide me out of this problem?

¿Fue útil?


First make sure the Input Json is correct. You can use any online Json Formatter to verify the input json.

This is the one free JSON Formatter can be used to verify your input json string. I tried with the JSON you ahve posted here , it is having lot of syntax error.

Advanced Rest Client:

  • set the content-type : application/json
  • method : post

attaching the files which may help you to solve this error. enter image description here

attaching the response from the rest client. json output response REST Client

Also attaching the payload

Otros consejos

I have a similar problem and i try to do the same from xamarin using restsharp. This is a snipet from my code.

    public void PostDataProyInf()
        string urlBase = servInf + "/org.openbravo.service.json.jsonrest/cpm_daily_serv_rep";
        IRestClient clients = new RestClient(urlBase);
        clients.Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator(USname, USpass);
        IRestRequest request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);

        request.RequestFormat = DataFormat.Json;
        request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
        //request.AddHeader("Accept", "*/*");
        DateTime date = new DateTime();
        date = DateTime.Now;
        string workingT = Horas().ToString() + " " + "hour(s)" + "  " + Minutes().ToString() + " min(s)";

        var daily = " {    \"data\":       {        \"_identifier\":\"" + proytS.Text + "\",        \"_entityName\":\"cpm_daily_serv_rep\",  \"$ref\":\"cpm_daily_serv_rep\",    \"id\":\" \",    \"client\":\"A9D216F4A8894012A48E168268A3D6C9\",  \"client$_identifier\":\"Geosoft\",     \"organization\":\"F14745C58DC74BA38A0F0C85A3C12E74\",      \"organization$_identifier\":\"Geosoft Escencial\",     \"active\":true,        \"creationDate\":\"" + date.ToString() + "\",       \"createdBy\":\"" + IdUser + "\",       \"createdBy$_identifier\":\"" + USname + "\",       \"updated\":\"" + date.ToString() + "\",        \"updatedBy\":\"" + IdUser + "\",       \"updatedBy$_identifier\":\"" + USname + "\",       \"equipInstCctv\":" + eqCCTV.Checked + ",       \"equipInstContAcc\":" + eqContAcc.Checked + ",     \"equipInstDetSuspInc\":" + eqIncend.Checked + ",       \"equipInstTelec\":" + eqTelec.Checked + ",     \"equipInstElecGnral\":" + eqEleG.Checked + ",      \"equipInstMatGnral\":" + eqMatGen.Checked + ",     \"equipInstGnral\":" + eqGeneral.Checked + ",       \"soporteria\":" + soport.Checked + ",      \"canalizacion\":" + canal.Checked + ",     \"cableado\":" + cableado.Checked + ",      \"pruebas\":" + prueba.Checked + ",     \"etiquetado\":" + etiquet.Checked + ",     \"equipo\":" + equipo.Checked + ",      \"project\":\"" + IdTempProy + "\",     \"project$_identifier\":\"" + proytS.Text + "\",        \"actvGeofDesc\":\"" + actEmpInfo.Text + "\",       \"actvClientDesc\":\"" + actEmpInfo.Text + "\",     \"retrabajos\":\"" + retrabS.Text + "\",        \"otros\":null,     \"notasMatFalt\":\"" + matFalInfo.Text + "\",       \"tiempo\":0,       \"cantInstSop\":null,       \"cantInstCab\":null,       \"cantInstPruebas\":null,       \"cantInstEtiq\":null,      \"cantInstEquipo\":null,        \"cantInstCan\":null,       \"workArea\":\"" + areTraInfo.Text + "\",       \"currentDate\":\"" + date.ToString() + "\",        \"entryDate\":\"" + fechaIniInfo.Text + "\",        \"oUTDate\":\"" + fechaFinInfo.Text + "\",      \"entryHour\":\"" + horaIniInfo.Text + "\",     \"oUTHour\":\"" + horaFinInfo.Text + "\",       \"expenseLine\":null,       \"expenseLine$_identifier\":null,       \"activity\":\"" + activiS.Text + "\",  \"meetingClients\":" + junta.Checked + ",       \"lifting\":false,      \"supervision\":" + superv.Checked + ",     \"engineeringDevelopment\":" + desIng.Checked + ",      \"image\":null,     \"image$_identifier\":null,     \"workingTime\":\"" + workingT + "\",       \"importServicesProject\":null,     \"cuopgCreateInstallations\":null,      \"projectPhase\":null,      \"addtools\":null,      \"recordTime\":null}}" ;

        //string jsonesca = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(daily);
        request.AddParameter("application/json", daily, ParameterType.RequestBody);

        IRestResponse resp = clients.Execute(request);
        var content = resp.Content; // raw content as string  

        if (resp.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
            Toast.MakeText(this.Context, resp.Content, ToastLength.Long).Show();
            Toast.MakeText(this.Context, "Not Conection Response!!!", ToastLength.Long).Show();

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