Implementando el algoritmo viterbi en un HMM con matrices de emisión cambiantes a través de marcadores genómicos



Me gustaría pedir ayuda para implementar un enfoque oculto de Markov para asignar ascendencia basada en datos de genotipo SNP.Dado que tengo una transición matriz generada como tal:

states <- c("A1","A2","A3","A4","A5","A6","A7","A8") # Define the names of the states
A1 <- c(0.9,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1) # Set the probabilities of switching states, where the previous state was "A1"
A2 <- c(0.1,0.9,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1) # Set the probabilities of switching states, where the previous state was "A2"
A3 <- c(0.1,0.1,0.9,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1) # Set the probabilities of switching states,  where the previous state was "A3"
A4 <- c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.9,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1) # Set the probabilities of switching states, where the previous state was "A4"
A5 <- c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.9,0.1,0.1,0.1) # Set the probabilities of switching states, where the previous state was "A5"
A6 <- c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.9,0.1,0.1) # Set the probabilities of switching states, where the previous state was "A6"
A7 <- c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.9,0.1) # Set the probabilities of switching states, where the previous state was "A7"
A8 <- c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.9) # Set the probabilities of switching states, where the previous state was "A8"
thetransitionmatrix <- matrix(c(A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8), 8, 8, byrow = TRUE) # Create an 8 x 8 matrix
rownames(thetransitionmatrix) <- states
colnames(thetransitionmatrix) <- states
thetransitionmatrix # Print out the transition matrix
    A1  A2  A3  A4  A5  A6  A7  A8
A1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
A2 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
A3 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
A4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
A5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1
A6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1
A7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1
A8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9

y la matriz de emisión es una lista de matrices N 8x4, con n igual al número de SNP / filas en los datos.Por ejemplo, dados los siguientes datos para 8 muestras (A1-A8) a través de 3 SNPS / FILLAS:

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
T T T T T T T C 

Matrix 1 en la lista sería

   A C G T
A1 0 0 0 1/7
A2 0 0 0 1/7 
A3 0 0 0 1/7
A4 0 0 0 1/7
A5 0 0 0 1/7
A6 0 0 0 1/7
A7 0 0 0 1/7
A8 0 1 0 0

Dado que 7 de las muestras poseen una T en fila 1, cada muestra tiene una probabilidad de 1/7.Dado que solo A8 posee un C, hay una probabilidad del 100% de asignar un C a A8.Para la fila 3, la salida debe ser

   A C G T
A1 1/6 0 0 0
A2 1/6 0 0 0 
A3 1/6 0 0 0
A4 1/2 0 0 0
A5 1/2 0 0 0
A6 1/6 0 0 0
A7 1/6 0 0 0
A8 1/6 0 0 0

Uso de la matriz de transición antes mencionada y la lista de matrices de emisión, deseo implementar el algoritmo Viterbi en cualquier secuencia de alelos.El código que actualmente tengo no puede usar una matriz de emisión diferente para cada fila

viterbi <- function(sequence, transitionmatrix, emissionmatrix)
  # This carries out the Viterbi algorithm.
  # Adapted from "Applied Statistics for Bioinformatics using R" by Wim P. Krijnen,     page 209
  # ( )
 # Get the names of the states in the HMM:
 states <- rownames(theemissionmatrix)

 # Make the Viterbi matrix v:
 v <- makeViterbimat(sequence, transitionmatrix, emissionmatrix)
 # Go through each of the rows of the matrix v (where each row represents
 # a position in the DNA sequence), and find out which column has the
 # maximum value for that row (where each column represents one state of
 # the HMM):
 mostprobablestatepath <- apply(v, 1, function(x) which.max(x))

 # Print out the most probable state path:
 prevnucleotide <- sequence[1]
 prevmostprobablestate <- mostprobablestatepath[1]
 prevmostprobablestatename <- states[prevmostprobablestate]
 startpos <- 1
 for (i in 2:length(sequence))
    nucleotide <- sequence[i]
    mostprobablestate <- mostprobablestatepath[i]
    mostprobablestatename <- states[mostprobablestate]
    if (mostprobablestatename != prevmostprobablestatename)
       print(paste("Positions",startpos,"-",(i-1), "Most probable state = ", prevmostprobablestatename))
       startpos <- i
    prevnucleotide <- nucleotide
    prevmostprobablestatename <- mostprobablestatename
 print(paste("Positions",startpos,"-",i, "Most probable state = ", prevmostprobablestatename))

# the viterbi() function requires a second function makeViterbimat():

makeViterbimat <- function(sequence, transitionmatrix, emissionmatrix)
  # This makes the matrix v using the Viterbi algorithm.
  # Adapted from "Applied Statistics for Bioinformatics using R" by Wim P. Krijnen, page 209
  # ( )
 # Change the sequence to uppercase
 sequence <- toupper(sequence)
 # Find out how many states are in the HMM
 numstates <- dim(transitionmatrix)[1]
 # Make a matrix with as many rows as positions in the sequence, and as many
 # columns as states in the HMM
 v <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(sequence), ncol = dim(transitionmatrix)[1])
 # Set the values in the first row of matrix v (representing the first position of the sequence) to 0
 v[1, ] <- 0
 # Set the value in the first row of matrix v, first column to 1
 v[1,1] <- 1
 # Fill in the matrix v:
 for (i in 2:length(sequence)) # For each position in the DNA sequence:
    for (l in 1:numstates) # For each of the states of in the HMM:
       # Find the probabilility, if we are in state l, of choosing the nucleotide at position in the sequence
       statelprobnucleotidei <- emissionmatrix[l,sequence[i]]

       # v[(i-1),] gives the values of v for the (i-1)th row of v, ie. the (i-1)th position in the sequence.
       # In v[(i-1),] there are values of v at the (i-1)th row of the sequence for each possible state k.
       # v[(i-1),k] gives the value of v at the (i-1)th row of the sequence for a particular state k.

       # transitionmatrix[l,] gives the values in the lth row of the transition matrix, xx should not be transitionmatrix[,l]?
       # probabilities of changing from a previous state k to a current state l.

       # max(v[(i-1),] * transitionmatrix[l,]) is the maximum probability for the nucleotide observed
       # at the previous position in the sequence in state k, followed by a transition from previous
       # state k to current state l at the current nucleotide position.

       # Set the value in matrix v for row i (nucleotide position i), column l (state l) to be:
       v[i,l] <-  statelprobnucleotidei * max(v[(i-1),] * transitionmatrix[,l])

¿Fue útil?


¿Qué le impide simplemente dar la función una lista de matrices de emisión precomputadas en lugar de una sola?

makeViterbimat <- function(sequence, transitionmatrix, emissionmatrixList)
  # This makes the matrix v using the Viterbi algorithm.
  # Adapted from "Applied Statistics for Bioinformatics using R" by Wim P. Krijnen, page 209
  # ( )
 # Change the sequence to uppercase
 sequence <- toupper(sequence)
 # Find out how many states are in the HMM
 numstates <- dim(transitionmatrix)[1]
 # Make a matrix with as many rows as positions in the sequence, and as many
 # columns as states in the HMM
 v <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(sequence), ncol = dim(transitionmatrix)[1])
 # Set the values in the first row of matrix v (representing the first position of the sequence) to 0
 v[1, ] <- 0
 # Set the value in the first row of matrix v, first column to 1
 v[1,1] <- 1
 # Fill in the matrix v:
 for (i in 2:length(sequence)) # For each position in the DNA sequence:
    emissionmatrix = emissionmatrixList[[i]]
    for (l in 1:numstates) # For each of the states of in the HMM:
       # Find the probabilility, if we are in state l, of choosing the nucleotide at position in the sequence
       statelprobnucleotidei <- emissionmatrix[l,sequence[i]]

       # v[(i-1),] gives the values of v for the (i-1)th row of v, ie. the (i-1)th position in the sequence.
       # In v[(i-1),] there are values of v at the (i-1)th row of the sequence for each possible state k.
       # v[(i-1),k] gives the value of v at the (i-1)th row of the sequence for a particular state k.

       # transitionmatrix[l,] gives the values in the lth row of the transition matrix, xx should not be transitionmatrix[,l]?
       # probabilities of changing from a previous state k to a current state l.

       # max(v[(i-1),] * transitionmatrix[l,]) is the maximum probability for the nucleotide observed
       # at the previous position in the sequence in state k, followed by a transition from previous
       # state k to current state l at the current nucleotide position.

       # Set the value in matrix v for row i (nucleotide position i), column l (state l) to be:
       v[i,l] <-  statelprobnucleotidei * max(v[(i-1),] * transitionmatrix[,l])

¿O es su problema sobre cómo construir estaMatrixlista de emisión?

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