InvalidOperationException: Configuration 'DrugiStupanjPukId' was not found and a default value was not specified


  •  01-10-2020
  •  | 


I am developing a workflow as a part of Visual Studio full trust solution. In the workflow I have used GetConfigurationValue activity. Configuration value is defined in appropriate Elements.xml file:

<Property Name="DrugiStupanjPukId" Value="{$ListId:Lists/DrugiStupanjPuk;}" />

This workflow is associated to 2 lists. On the first list this activity executes without a problem.

However, on the second list when workflow execution reaches this activity, an exception is raised:

System.InvalidOperationException: Configuration 'DrugiStupanjPukId' was not found and a default value was not specified. at Microsoft.Activities.GetConfigurationValue.Execute(CodeActivityContext context) at System.Activities.CodeActivity`1.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager) at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)

How do I resolve this issue?

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I found out what was the problem with the second list and resolved this issue, so I'm posting a solution for future reference.

Workflow association to the first list was defined in Elements.xml file while second workflow association was defined programmatically in feature receiver using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.WorkflowServices library. All I needed to do was to add missing configuration properties programmatically.

Setting configuration properties programmatically is done by calling WorkflowSubscription.SetProperty method. Complete code snippet which resolved the issue:

public static void AssociateWfTemplateToList(
    string siteUrl, 
    string templateWfName, 
    string newWfSubscriptionName, 
    Guid targetListGuid,
    List<string> events,
    NameValueCollection configurationProperties) {
    using (ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext(siteUrl)) {

        //Workflow Services Manager which will handle all the workflow interaction.
        WorkflowServicesManager wfServicesManager = new WorkflowServicesManager(clientContext, clientContext.Web);

        //Deployment Service which holds all the Workflow Definitions deployed to the site
        WorkflowDeploymentService wfDeploymentService = wfServicesManager.GetWorkflowDeploymentService();

        //Get all the definitions from the Deployment Service, or get a specific definition using the GetDefinition method.
        WorkflowDefinitionCollection wfDefinitions = wfDeploymentService.EnumerateDefinitions(false);

        clientContext.Load(wfDefinitions, wfDefs => wfDefs.Where(wfd => wfd.DisplayName == templateWfName));

        WorkflowDefinition wfDefinition = wfDefinitions.First();

        //The Subscription service is used to get all the Associations currently on the SPSite
        WorkflowSubscriptionService wfSubscriptionService = wfServicesManager.GetWorkflowSubscriptionService();

        //The subscription (association)
        WorkflowSubscription wfSubscription = new WorkflowSubscription(clientContext);
        wfSubscription.DefinitionId = wfDefinition.Id;
        wfSubscription.Enabled = true;
        wfSubscription.Name = newWfSubscriptionName;

        // set the workflow start settings
        wfSubscription.EventTypes = events;

        // set the associated configuration properties
        foreach (string key in configurationProperties)
            wfSubscription.SetProperty(key, configurationProperties[key]);

        //Create the Association
        wfSubscriptionService.PublishSubscriptionForList(wfSubscription, targetListGuid);

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