
I'm creating low-trust addin for sharepoint and trying to get list of all site collections using CSOM. This code works good for SharePoint Online:

using (var context = GetAppOnlyClientContext(hostUrl)) 
   var tenant = new Tenant(context); 
   var siteProperties = tenant.GetSiteProperties(0, true); 


   var result = siteProperties.ToList(); 

But when I'm trying to run this code on SP 2016 instance, I get following exception:

Cannot find stub for type with id {268004ae-ef6b-4e9b-8425-127220d84719}. The specified server may not support APIs used in this operation.

I'm using CSOM version 16.0.

So the question is: Can I receive list of site collection using CSOM? If yes, how can I avoid this error?

¿Fue útil?


For 2016, you can follow the instructions here:

Except you need to make the following changes:

  1. You don't need step #1 since the update is already applied.
  2. For the powershell script, be sure to change the version is from 15 to 16.
  3. Skip step 3 since the dll's you have already include the needed references to create the sites.
  4. Run this command the same as is documented.
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