
I've got a Magento site full of Bundle Products, and I'm now looking to add one single product which pulls a different view.phtml, and then a different radio.phtml, checkbox.phtml, etc. So far I've added the following to the 'Custom Layout Update' section on my new product:

<reference name=""> <action method="setTemplate"> <template>catalog/product/customview.phtml</template> </action> </reference>

And it's loading customview.phtml instead of view.phtml, but this still loads the standard radio.phtml, checkbox.phtml files. I'm not sure how to direct options.phtml to different radio and checkbox files. I did consider creating a different theme with these files, but the problem arises with the mobile version of the site. Normally when viewing on a mobile, packagename/mobile loads, and then it falls back to packagename/default. So if I create a new theme 'customtheme' and apply it as the 'Custom Design' on the new product, then this product won't have a mobile layout.

Does anyone know how to tell options.phtml to find a custom radio.phtml, checkbox.phtml etc (possibly with a custom options.phtml file?) and keep everything within the default theme?

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I've found a solution to my problem which I'm posting here in case it can help anyone in the future, but for my solution to make sense I had to edit the question, hopefully this isn't against the site rules.

I created a custom layout (not theme) for my product which requires the custom templates. I then found the four files to edit at app\code\core\Mage\Bundle\Block\Catalog\Product\View\Type\Bundle\Option

Here, you can find the line of code which loads the respective template. I added a simple regex check of the layout name. If the product has the layout 'custom_layout' then it uses a different file.

There may be a better way to do this and I welcome suggestions from more experienced devs, but this seems to be working for me. For each of the four files in the directory, find the line


and swap it for:

if(preg_match('/custom/', Mage::app()->getLayout()->getBlock('root')->getTemplate())){ /** Loads Custom Selections **/ $this->setTemplate('bundle/catalog/product/view/type/bundle/option/custom/radio.phtml'); } else { /** Loads Standard Selections **/ $this->setTemplate('bundle/catalog/product/view/type/bundle/option/radio.phtml'); }

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