
Is it possible too get the user security group? I can't seem to find any information about doing this in SPFX, just for current web and list...

It should be possible having a div that renders the webpart of they have permission else hide it ?

Kind regards

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I would use the two REST-Endpoints suggested in my comment. First call to get the user ID and after that the second call to get the groups in which the user is member.

import { SPHttpClient, SPHttpClientResponse, ISPHttpClientOptions } from '@microsoft/sp-http'; 

var absoluteUri = this.props.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl;

this.props.context.spHttpClient.get(absoluteUri + "/_api/Web/CurrentUser?$select=ID",  
    .then((userResponse: SPHttpClientResponse) => {  
        userResponse.json().then((user: any) => {  
            var userId = user.Id;

            this.props.context.spHttpClient.get(absoluteUri + "/_api/Web/GetUserById(" + userId + ")/Groups",  
                .then((groupResponse: SPHttpClientResponse) => {  
                    groupResponse.json().then((groupsData: any) => {  
                        var groups = groupsData.value;

                        groups.forEach(group => {
                            if(group.Title == "TARGETGROUP") {
                                // DISPLAY DIV

You have to get the current Context from the WebPart. In my example I use a component and get the context from the properties (this.props.context).

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