
Good day,

I recently came accross the mac_widgets api for java. I went through the docementation and exaples but i didn't find a way to add widgets to the HudWindow. I came accross an online solution

panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout?(panel, BoxLayout?.Y_AXIS)); panel.add(sourceList.getComponent());

This works if panel is a reference to a JPanel object and it is add to a JFrame window.

Is there a way i can add panel to the HudWindow in the mac_widgets api?

¿Fue útil?


Try the following code, of course you wont get the transparency. But this is how you add a panel to a HUD window. Try extracting the MacWiget.jar file to view other classes. The components have different names, in this case a panel is called ActivePanel.

import javax.swing.JButton;

import com.explodingpixels.macwidgets.ActivePanel;
import com.explodingpixels.macwidgets.HudWidgetFactory;
import com.explodingpixels.macwidgets.HudWindow;

public class MacWidgetTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static void setGUI() {
        System.out.println("Starting GUI");
        HudWindow hud = new HudWindow("Window");
        hud.getJDialog().setSize(300, 350);
        ActivePanel panel = new ActivePanel();
        JButton button = HudWidgetFactory.createHudButton("Button");

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