PostgreSQL error: remote query result rowtype does not match the specified FROM clause rowtype, on remote function call



This is my remote function:

RETURNS record
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
 rec record;
  select 1,2 into rec;
  return rec;
END $function$;

This is my local function call:

SELECT x.a, x.b
FROM dblink('conn_str', 'select public._test1();')
as x(a int ,b int);

This is the error thrown:

ERROR: remote query result rowtype does not match the specified FROM clause rowtype

Since DBLINK requires that I define a schema to place the function's return items, how do I make the call to recognize a record type being returned by the function?

¿Fue útil?


To understand what's going on, first check what is being done on the remote:

SELECT _test1();

This does return a record, not two integers. When the dblink() call reports

ERROR:  remote query result rowtype does not match the specified FROM clause rowtype

it's because locally you defined the row type as x(a int, b int), but that doesn't match the record on the remote. The reason is that dblink() itself doesn't know about (as it itself has a SETOF record return type), therefore it cannot push this information to the remote. So what you have to do is the following:

  FROM dblink('local', 'SELECT * FROM _test1() AS x(a int, b int)') AS t(a int, b int);

 a │ b 
 1 │ 2

Specifying the record type twice seems superfluous, but if you omitted the local one, it would result in another error:

SELECT * FROM dblink('local', 'SELECT * FROM _test1() AS x(a int, b int)') AS t;
ERROR:  a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM dblink('local', 'SELECT * FROM _test1() AS x(a...

Omitting the remote record definition:

SELECT * FROM dblink('local', 'SELECT * FROM _test1() ') AS t(a int, b int);
ERROR:  a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"
CONTEXT:  Error occurred on dblink connection named "local": could not execute query.

(The difference in the error message shows this time the problem is on the remote side.)

One ore thing that is different in my version is SELECT * FROM _test(). See what happens when you call the function in the SELECT list instead of the FROM clause:

SELECT * FROM dblink('local', 'SELECT _test1() AS x(a int, b int)') AS t(a int, b int);
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "("
CONTEXT:  Error occurred on dblink connection named "local": could not execute query.

You can make this nicer if you created the remote function as RETURNS TABLE (or, equivalently, define OUT arguments there):

-- on the remote
    RETURNS TABLE (a int, b int) LANGUAGE SQL AS $$
    SELECT 1, 2

SELECT * FROM dblink('local', 'SELECT * FROM bla() ') AS t(a int, b int);
 a │ b 
 1 │ 2

The record type is designed to be flexible, but it comes at a price. You cannot avoid paying this price with dblink(), though, as it has to be able to accommodate any return type.

Otros consejos

In my scenario, I get exactly the same error.

ERROR: remote query result rowtype does not match the specified FROM clause rowtype

I have a VIEW using dblink and initially I create a VIEW using "SELECT *" and it works fine, but after a while my queries started to fail.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.my_table
 SELECT remote_data.field1, remote_data.field2, remote_data.field3
FROM dblink('hostaddr=<IP> port=<port> dbname=<my_db> user=<user> password=<pass>'::text,
'SELECT * FROM public.one_table::text) AS remote_data(field1 bigint, field2 text, field3 date);

During the investigation, I realized that the error is related to the order of the fields in the SELECT statement.

So I changed the "SELECT *" to "SELECT field1, field2, field3 ..." and my queries using this VIEW are ok.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.my_table
 SELECT remote_data.field1, remote_data.field2, remote_data.field3
FROM dblink('hostaddr=<IP> port=<port> dbname=<my_db> user=<user> password=<pass>'::text,
'SELECT field1, field2, field3 FROM public.one_table::text) AS remote_data(field1 bigint, field2 text, field3 date);
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