
There is a "Home" link in global navigation of my publishing site which I want to hide. It is not available in "Navigation" in "Site Settings" so I cannot hide it from there.

All the solutions available on internet are about SharePoint 2010/2013 and they are not working for SharePoint 2016. How can I hide that Home link?


Here's that element:

<a class="static selected menu-item ms-core-listMenu-item ms-displayInline ms-core-listMenu-selected ms-navedit-linkNode shortpoint-nav-home-link shortpoint-nav-a-selected" accesskey="1" href="/sites/somesite/en/Pages/default.aspx">
    <span class="additional-background ms-navedit-flyoutArrow">
        <span class="menu-item-text" data-original-word="English">Home</span>
        <span class="ms-hidden">Currently selected</span>
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I add below style in a Altertive CSS file and it works well here. {
    display: none !important

div#sideNavBox li.static:first-child{
    display: none !important

enter image description here

Below is my page element:

enter image description here

And you may have a try JS code:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $("div#sideNavBox span:contains('Home')").closest("li").hide();
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